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Square Dance

"Veranda View"

September is finally here, and Fall is right around the corner! 

I love this time of year--the first chill in the air and the leaves turning all their Brilliant colors. It's the beginning of all the holidays and family get-togethers.

And this year, September 1st is also the beginning of registration for my new Cyber-Workshop with ANG! I am particularily excited about this design--- each tiny square is a bite size design all unto itself--you'll learn things, you'll perfect skills, and you'll come away with a whole new outlook on your work! The class starts January 2011 which seems like a million miles away, but the holiday season flies fast and we will be in the New Year before you know it!

I have included the description of the class below, as well as link to registration.

Description: "Combine forty five squares, a world of stitches and color combinations, and Ultrasuede® applique´, and what do you get? A dance!
Each square is a composition in itself, a unique vignette of interesting needlepoint. We will be layering threads and forming height and depth with unorthodox stitch combinations. Laid stitches, woven stitches, satin stitches and knots are some of the steps in our dance. We will be using perle, stranded silks, cotton overdyes, filament, and metallic braids. The Ultrasuede® squares add a dimension of texture and intensity of color. Our design is worked on a 12” x 12” piece of #18 overdye canvas. There will be two colorways to choose from, each unexpected, interesting, and complex.
You will receive a book of color illustrations, detailed explanations, and laminated color charts.
You will be able to choose one of the following kit options:
Instruction book plus canvas and Ultrasuede, or Instruction book, all fibers, plus canvas and Ultrasuede.
Come dance with us."

How's that look? Good? Great! Click here to sign up!

"Springtime Hills"

Anonymous –   – (November 28, 2010 at 8:36 AM)  

can i place an order for a 20 $ gift certificate for daddy from nina ? DON'T TELL HIM BECAUSE IT IS FOR FATHER'S DAY . I also want flower earings by december 1

Anonymous –   – (November 28, 2010 at 9:10 AM)  

i have something u can put on esty .

Anonymous –   – (November 28, 2010 at 9:11 AM)  

ps a am also known as ananomoz\s

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©Orna Willis
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