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Milwaukee 2009, again

I thought I'd add photos of the two other classes I'll be teaching at Seminar. The first is Let There Be Light, a class on painting and stitching a design with a message of hope. There are two colorways for this class.

Making Memories is a one day class which includes a photo album and a design for the cover of the album. Lots of fun! Three color choices.

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I've been reading your color combination descriptions and I LOVE them! What poets you are. Please keep them coming! Don't forget the deadline for the giveaway is noon on February 26th.

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Shiri is here for the weekend and we've been busy with wedding fun stuff; dress fitting, shopping for beautiful paper for the RSVP cards that we are making on our own, working on them till 2 am and loving what we made in the morning. Shiri has done her own invitation designs, drawn the motifs on the cards and found a reasonable printer to do them in letter press. They are gorgeous and mostly they are her. I don't think she'll let me show them to you just yet but I'll keep begging.

Now I'm sitting here, writing to you and listening to my girls play the game of LIFE. You can learn so much about people if you listen carefully. Shiri paid off her college debt the second she got enough "money". Nina just bought a trailer home and she's thrilled with it.

I'm going to have to leave you for now, off to designing the maps of Philly for the wedding guests.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Milwaukee 2009

I love the name, Milwaukee. Milwaukee.

a n y w a y ... ANG has put the classes for the 2009 National Seminar up on their website. The photos always upset me, not because they don't do a good job, just because they are small photos. They have to be small in order to put all the classes up.

I don't know if I'm allowed to do this, but I'm going to anyway. A teaser from my A Year in Cards class. Click on the photo to get a real good view...

February Giveaway! (and other stuff)

A bit late, but still February! So this time it's a bracelet. I made a series of these and they were very popular, so I made another batch. There are three left, this is one of them, and it can be yours. (Freshwater pearls, Swarovski crystals, gold plated beads on a satin cord).

What's the assignment? Describe your favorite color combination. But no Green and Yellow, oh no! I want: Green like the green that you see in the first blades of grass in the spring, but not too limey, and yellow like an over ripe lemon, with a hint of brown creeping in. Draw a picture in words.
This should be so much fun!

The giveaway starts today and ends at noon on February 26th. Don't wait till the last minute, cause I'm so anxious to read your combinations!

and on to other stuff...

On Saturday Nina and I traveled to New York to visit Shiri. We had a marvelous time. Nina had a blast with Toby. We had a typical touristy New York day: riding the subway, playing the huge piano at FAO Swartz, a quick visit to the American Girl doll store and we ended with dinner and a movie, (OK it was take out and Netflix).

Here are the kids on the subway.

It started quite calmly, with just a glimmer of mischievous in the eyes.

Next came the sticking out of the tongue. I smell trouble...

Notice the drawings on their hands? Those are super hero tattoos, silly!

This is what it looked like 10 seconds later!

I love New York!

Havana anyone?

Just a very quick note to tell you that a new color experiment is available in our How To section. Pay us a visit!

I'm off to new York for the day, what fun!

so much to tell!

I have a list of things to share with you, none are related so I may sound a bit wacky. Oh well, it won't be the first time. Anyway, here goes:

* YEA! I will be teaching at the 2011 ANG Seminar in Columbus, Ohio. I will be teaching five (yes, 5!) classes but the most exciting of all is that one of the classes will be the Teaching Excellence class. It is a real honor to be chosen to bring this class to seminar. I will be introducing a brand new concept, very cool and has to do with color.

* Two of my jewelry pieces have been accepted to be featured in a most beautiful jewelry magazine. Can't say much more now but I will share more very soon.

* By the end of the week we will have two super items for you, our monthly GIVEAWAY and our weekly COLOR EXPERIMENT. (It seems I am trying to torture you all with these teasers, it's not intentional, truly)

* I can't do math. And you didn't tell me... I posted the BIG ONE WEEK SALE announcement on February 3rd. I then did the math and told you it will end on Feb. 14th... I don't know what I was thinking of at the time but I was certainly not channeling my second grade math. And you didn't say a word... tsk tsk tsk. There are three more days left so go take advantage of my ditziness.

* There is a wonderful Cezanne exhibit coming our way at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It's called Cezanne and Beyond and it will feature great works by Cezanne as well as works by artists who were greatly influenced by him. In honor of the exhibit I added fiber interpretations of two of his great works to this post . I haven't played around with my fiber interpretations in awhile, I forgot how much I enjoy them.

a quick hello and good news!

Everywhere I look there are sales abound. Clothing, electronics, books, really everything. And the sales are significant! I've been buying clothing for Nina that will last her till she's 16!!

So, why should I leave you, stitching buddies, out in the cold? Come join the fun. We are having a big 40% off sale. ALL design instruction books are on sale. All you need is a coupon code and off you go.

The coupon code: 1week

But wait ... just like Cinderella there is an end to our ball. The sale is for one week, ending February 14th, 2009.

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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