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9 days to go!

Have you given up on me? Please don't...I promise to be back soon. And in the meantime...

9 days till wedding bells. Overseas guests are starting to come in, to-do lists are being crossed off, (although they are still quite long), baking and freezing, baking and freezing and the excitement is building up!

Last weekend Shiri, Shari (her delightful friend) and I worked on handmade this and thats for the tables, as well as baskets for the flower girls, (see above).

Here's a peek at Nina's dress. I cut the flowers out of felt and embroidered them with different colored floss. I added some buttons and sewed them carefully onto the dress. I had such a fun time with these flowers, making each one a bit different and yet keeping them coordinated. Nina is a very happy flower girl.

and now...


With Alex's dedicated assistance, and in the midst of all the chaos we are bringing you two new additions to our How-to section! The first is a new color experiment and the second a detailed illustrated How-to make a pillow.

You will find these on our website in the How-to section. Print them out, enjoy them, you deserve it!

Take good care of yourselves and we'll talk again soon!

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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