Getting ready to ship these beauties.
If you haven't already signed up, you still have five (5) days to do so.
Hope you are enjoying your holiday time. We'll talk again before 2010!
Congratulations! Please email me at to claim your winnings!
Thank you for all your wonderful comments!
Congratulations to our winner:
"I just checked my CraftGossip email update and found your lovely site and designs as one of the featured stories. I'm like so many of the fellow posters here, amazed at your talent and so grateful to have been directed to your site. Please sign me up for an chance to win your current prize. Thank You, Nikki"
Email me, Nikki, at to claim your loot!
and immediately on to our next gift...
I use it for everything. UltraSuede®, or man made suede, is an amazing material. It has so many advantages; you don't need to hem the edges, no fraying, the colors are deep and rich, it looks wonderful with needlepoint as a backing or as applique´. The one drawback, it's pricey! At $54 a yard I use it carefully, like gold.
It's here, it's here, I'm about to burst!