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Photographing needlepoint is a problem. How often I've heard "wow, it looks so much better in real life!" It's so hard to "see" the tactile, the texture, the volume, in a photograph.

I've been experimenting with photographing for a new book I'm working on. The thought behind the photographs is to give the viewer an angle not usually shown. The beauty of needlework is in the details. From the angles I've chosen to shoot, I hope some of the depth of the beauty of needlework can be experienced.

I look at these and want to reach out and touch them.






Just a sneak peek. I can't say where. I can't say a word.

... do you read Needlepoint Now?
Will you read it next month?

Enough said.

Note to self...

yes, note to self...do not start a CyberWorkshop in January! Getting materials in is a nightmare, shipping, wrong items, post office lines, vacations, too much going on!! I've been shipping kits for the past few days, they are going out as fast as I can, just not as fast as I would like. So please remind me, next year, no CyberWorkshops in January!

I received all your comments and your emails with your choice for the best necklace piece. Overwhelmingly, 3:1, necklace #1 was the choice.

and remember the Painted Birds? I'm working on some stitch guides. Wanna peek?


Votes, please.

I need your help. I'm working on a commissioned piece, a neckpiece, and I can't decide which direction to take. The top and middle one will have the soft peach tulle, either as a rose (the top) or as a triple bow (middle). The third one will have the "Flintstones" stones as a top tier while the top will have two strands of freshwater pearls as top tiers. There are other differences but I'll let you look and react on your own.
Let's say top one is 1, middle is 2 and bottom is 3. It would be a great help if you could place your vote!






Find the differences...

Two photos taken of my studio. The first on Monday evening, the second this afternoon. What a difference 36 hours make!



New Year

2010, here we come.


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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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