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a second recipe winner...

I realized, late last night, that I shouldn't have closed down the giveaway until the end of the day, yesterday. I jumped the gun. Sooooo - I will chose a second winner to give everyone who wrote in a chance to win. I'm off to the random number generator...

... back from the random number generator and ROSE, you are our second winner! Congratulations!!


We have a winner! Jane from Chillyhollow, congratulations! Your package of sumptuous Ultrasuede will be arriving at your door very soon, ENJOY!

I am so very thankful to all of you for the recipes. Surprisingly they don't look a thing like "diet" type food. I've tried a few already and hope to be able to get to the rest starting March 8th. Why March 8th, you ask? It's a long story...

We will be starting a big renovation in our loft. Some of you may have seen parts of our abode way back here. It's a beautiful space, however it never really suited our life
style. Although a loft was always a dream of mine, I got my dream and found out it just wasn't for me. I'm not a loft kinda gal. I like cozy corners, surprises as you move from one room to the next, privacy, all of which are not in the cards when you live in a loft. So, five years later, we have decided to de-loft our place.

The biggest treat is a new studio! This one will have doors that shut out the world when I need to work and concentrate. Lots of new storage, big central worktable for cutting fabric, packing orders, a big wall of thread hangers...a real dreamland!

...back to "why March 8th?". For the three months, (famous last words...), of renovation, we have rented a place in our building, a ONE bedroom place. Yes, you heard me, the three of us plus my temporary studio, plus Nina's essential toys, plus plus plus, all will be crowded into a one bedroom apartment. I figure the best place to be, in a one bedroom place, is the kitchen, which happens to be nice sized. I will pretend I'm in a castle, cooking for the gentry, and make my way through your wonderful recipes.

We start on March 8th, so there is still time for those of you who think I'm totally insane, to talk me out of this.

In the meantime, among the architectural plans and the samples of kitchen counter tops, sits our Quail, almost done and ready for a stitch guide for all of you bird lovers.




So we are all in the kitchen, Reid is preparing dinner, I'm putzing around, putting things away, Nina is humming and avoiding her chore of setting the table...and the next thing I see is this kitty asleep on the counter. Or is she? Do eyes fluttering, lots of fidgeting, toes tapping to the rhythm, constitute signs of deep sleep? Don't think so. More along the lines of: sorry folks, can't set the table, I'm asleep...

Ultra Giveaway!

This morning my husband and I had a conversation, one of many, about our eating habits. Mine are terrible, his are pretty good. I'm the type of person who eats when they are happy, sad, uplifted, depressed. My husband is the type of person who eats normally and when he is upset, he doesn't eat. So, every once in awhile we have a conversation, which typically ends with a declaration of intent: We will change our ways!

Reid went out this morning for a grocery shopping expedition with a few important labels in mind: high fiber, low fat, low sugar, blah blah blah, (can you tell already how my attitude is not conducive to serious changes in lifestyle?).

So what does all this have to do with you? One of my problems with healthy eating is finding good recipes. Can you help me? We can do it in the form of a contest... you post a tasty, healthy recipe and we will enter you in our giveaway; 2 packs of 5"x5" Ultrasuede ® with 5 pieces in each pack. You send me a wonderful recipe for some yummy healthy food and I put you in to win two of the lovely packs in the photo. This is a win/win situation, right?

Now, from experience with past giveaways, there is one more rule. If you don't send me your email address with your entry I can't put you in the pool. We have had a difficult time, on more than one occasion, tracking down our winners, and that makes it less fun to have these giveaways. Please? Thanks!

You have a week, till next Saturday (2/20). I'm really excited about this! Really!!

This is us...


What does it look like from your window?

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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