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I've got nothing to add, verklempt!

New and Yummy!

Check out the new 20 Silk Skein Combinations at our ETSY SHOP!

Prep fun.

Yesterday, I was busy prepping for my Samburu Pilot Class which takes place here in my studio/home in just a few weeks.  It's hard work, but someone's got to do it...

Ultrasuede tassels

 Bead choices

Beading sequence options.

P.D.F. on E.T.S.Y. (Sounds like a medical condition)

Early this morning, (around 4 am), I added a slew of designs which you can purchase as PDF files in my Etsy store. They offer immediate download upon purchase.  I'll be adding more throughout the day.

The nice thing about this is: a) the price   b) the immediate gratification  c) no shipping fee  d) won't take up space until you are ready to print it.

The first ones are up HERE.

I'm having trouble staying asleep at night.  Before I get a chance to yell "STOP" at my head, it starts thinking, and worrying.  I never take any sleeping aids, for fear that I won't wake up if someone in the house needs me, crazy, I know.  So there I lay, starting at around 3 am.  I become fidgety within 15 minutes, hold back another 10 minutes, but then it's over.  Up I go to the kitchen to make "morning" coffee and to the computer to begin working.  
I remember my parents competing about who didn't sleep ALL night.  Each insisted he/she didn't sleep and sat there watching the other one sleep like a baby.  I never understood it then.  I get it now.

Please bed, let me sleep tonight.

We are in for a big storm this weekend.  Another big storm.  Here is a photo Nina took while walking Esther during our last big storm. 

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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