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A bit haunting, but beautiful.

Dashing over to say a quick hello!

Passover was wonderful!  Nomi is still with us, for what was supposed to be a visit full of activities, but since she got a fever and bad throat ache, we have been hanging out in bed, watching Sophia the First, (oh, with a tiny quick visit to the Disney Store).   Rae is back, (!!), and she has swept in to save the day!  I really appreciate your patience, those of you who placed orders, asked for information, etc.

Today is election day here in Philadelphia.  I will take a quick hop over to cast my vote and then back to Nomi!


PS - I have been working on my FOB creations for just a teeny bit of time...

and about my crazy life...

This week Rae is away.  She is off to help a friend artist set up an exhibit and will be back next week. This also happens to be the week before Passover, or the week of buying, cooking, buying, cooking, getting excited!  It's also the week of Nina's tennis varsity matches as well as the week after Nomi's birthday when we were away celebrating.  It's the week we found out that we will need to leave our home by the end of June and the week I'm trying not to think of that until I finish buying, cooking, (see above).

I want to ask you to please be patient with me this week.  We may be a little slow in answering your questions, sending out your orders or just about anything else.  I apologize.

A little glimpse at Nomi's beautiful hair which I put in a braid with flowers for her birthday.  She lets me work on her hair without complaining.

We also went to the Sakura Matsuri Japanese Street Festival while in the DC area.  Nina got her first real Kimono and we all let the sun turn our cheeks pink/red.  It was a great day.

We'll talk again soon, the chicken soup is boiling...

Heng Lee - metal and embroidery jewelry

Oh, how lovely

I think I want one!  Clutches by Katrin Langer.

How I choose what I choose.

To be continued...

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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