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New Painted Canvases and Stitch Club!!

I'm thrilled to be working with Ruth Schmuff of Bedecked and Beadazzled on my new bird series, "Flight", canvases designed, painted and stitched by me. Take a look at this great stitch club offer:

I hope you decide to join the club! Contact me or Ruth for any questions!

Mastery of blooms - astounding!

Raku Inoue

see more HERE!

A New Year gift - A Sweet Pea design!!

I missed wishing my friends who celebrated Christmas warm wishes for a very merry holiday! I have come across quite a few Facebook friends who write about their difficulty with the holidays, perhaps not being a part of a large family or living
far from friends. These times can be difficult and to those who spent the day on their own, I hope you had a peaceful, gratifying day!

As 2019 comes around I wish all of you wonderful followers, stitchers, readers, and friends a new year filled with peace, contentment, creativity, and health.

A gift for the new year from me to you!

Party recipes!

After posting the photo below of my lovely apple cake many asked for the recipe. 
Here it is!!
1 whole egg, beaten
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
4 tablespoons butter, melted
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking powder
5 apples (recipe calls for Pippin apples, I used Granny Smith)

Topping: 1 egg beaten
3 tablespoons melted butter
3 tablespoons sugar
some cinnamon

Mix all ingredients for the cake, not including the apples and put into a straight sided 9" buttered cake pan. Peel and cut apples into thin slices. Add apples onto batter making concentric circles using the apple wedges. This is how I placed the apples...

First place a circle of wedges forming a circle and then form a smaller circle with wedges cut in half.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.
Drizzle topping over cake and continue baking for an additional 15-20 minutes until lightly brown and bubbly on top. (Don't use all the topping, it's really enough for 2 cakes).

I also made my favorite winter fruit salad which you may want to try.
I cut pineapple, kiwi, and mandarine into small pieces. Add pomegranate arils, they bring such beautiful color and taste! Mix 1 tablespoon honey and 2 tablespoons lemon or lime juice. Add the honey and lemon dressing and top with a few pieces of fresh mint. A real winter treat! (it's on the table in the photo above).

Amy Gross and her amazing nature sculptures!

Amy Gross, an amazing fiber artist creates hand-embroidered and beaded fiber sculptures that contain colorful nods to the natural world. Bees, leaves, honeycomb, and moss, an array of birds, mushrooms, and other fungi. None of the elements of her pieces are found objects, but rather each handmade from craft store supplies and objects like yarn, beads, wire, and paper.

OPEN HOUSE!! (repeat...)

Agnes Herczeg, you mesmerize...

Agnes Herczeg works with pillow lace and needle lace traditional techniques to make these small masterpieces.

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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