>> August 29, 2008 –

The Shields of Life series is very dear to me. It's been a journey of five years from the first of the series, Spirit, to this last one, Valour. Without being too philosophical I think about these five years and what has transpired in our world and in my personal world. In my small world there have been wonderful times; a move to a new exciting city, my beautiful daughters growing and making Reid and I so very proud, working at my art, traveling to new places. But there have been hard times as well, painful times. During my father's illness and after his death so many of you wrote to me to offer support and words of wisdom. You were right, there is not a day when he is not in my thoughts again and again. I miss him more and more but I am learning to live with this pain. It is so strange how I can at once be so very happy about Shiri's upcoming wedding and at the same time so sad my father won't be there with us.
These Shield designs were meant to give symbolic protection when confronted with turmoil and fear. I used them often, standing before the wall on which they hang and meditating, searching for comfort. Very often I found comfort.

I want to thank so many of you who have been at my side along these five years. What a journey, eh? Let's go on to see what the future will bring. I'm excited!!

Shields of Life - Courage