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Here she is, Cleopatra.

She has left the palace on her way to many a spooky garden, haunted house, tricks and treats.

We had fun together, Cleopatra and I. She is very pleased with her garments and her shining jewels.

...and she has already struck up the conversation about...next year.

Therefore I declare, in front of all or you, next year we buy!
Ahh, the cycle of life.

Cards and Kids.

At Nina's school we are working on a fund raiser/creative outlet for the kids.
udents from 6th-8th grade are getting together with volunteer parents and we are making greeting cards that we will be selling to raise money for ... so many things. Nina goes to a inner city public school and funds are an issue. So how about mixing fund raising with creativity? Perfect!
Here are some examples of cards we've been making.

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Nina's Cleopatra costume will be ready for reveal very soon. She is a great help, drawing the decorations for the neck piece and trying the dress on again and again so her mommy (who is NO seamstress) can see what's going on.

n the meantime Nina has fallen in love with wearing wigs. She asked me why Cleopatra had black hair. Um, I don't know. Any guesses?

Shrinky Dinks are cool.

I've been trying to come up with some ideas for gifts that the students at Nina's school can make for the holidays. I just love Shrinky Dinks!

Have you ever watched them shrivel up and then slowly open back up to a smaller version of themselves, perfectly flat? Very cool.

Mainline anyone?

I thought it would be good to let you guys know. I will be teaching a class for a local ANG chapter, The Mainline Stitchers, in November.

The class is CARDS AND NEEDLES, and it is a wonderful crossover to one of the most popular crafts today: card making. Students will have the opportunity to stitch small designs and put them to excellent use. They will be able to share their craft with loved ones by turning their stitched pieces into beautiful gifts. The class will be 1.5 days long. November 10th @7PM and November 15th @ 10AM. If you'd like more information, feel free to contact me.


Putting together material for the new website, I keep coming across work I've completely forgotten about. Some of it makes me feel really good about these past years.

I thought I'd share a few "vintage" moments...

Looking at the photo above, I've decided I need to design more cuffs! I love coming up with the right combination of color, layering and textures. It's a great challenge to make fiber look like jewels.
Remember the circles from a few days ago? Yep. I'm going for cuffs.

These bags were among my favorites. COLOR. COLOR. COLOR.

And then there was my tribal moment. I actually think I'm going to re-visit this era again. (I have a weakness for animal print. Shhhh...don't tell)

Who can Hue?

Just a quick note, (did you see what time it is? 2:15AM!!)

I just came across this fun test (which, I am happy to say I scored perfect on...). It determines your hue detection abilities, and we all know these can be put to great use...

Anyway, give it a try: Hue Test

I'm going around in circles!

It's such a busy season! Holidays, all the after school activities, volunteering for some art projects at Nina's school, watching Project Runway and Top Design...

Still, for my sanity I need to play around with fiber. I'm just experimenting and I'm not sure if any of this will make it to a final piece, but it is really fun to play.

(PS: the new website is really making progress! I can't wait to show you. Patience is an overrated virtue...)

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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