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Carry me back to old Virginny.

I've just returned from six wonderful days
visiting my dear friends in Virginia.

a room with a view

Michael and David have a great love for cooking and being on the receiving end of this love is not a bad place to be! Meals are seasoned with herbs from their delightful garden.

Flowering dill.


A group of wonderful stitchers piloted my classes for the ANG Milwaukee Needlepoint Seminar taking place at the end of August. This is not the first time I have had the benefit of the expertise of these ladies and gentlemen. They are so talented and generous with their time and feedback.

For LET THERE BE LIGHT we painted the canvas, a first for the group. The class took place in the basement of The Virginia Quilt Museum among beautiful quilts which we carefully covered. With paint and water, you never know... All went swimmingly well!

One evening I was treated to a meal at the exquisite Joshua Wilton House in Harrisonburg. The simple flower arrangements gave a sense of casual beauty.

Nothing fussy. Just a beautiful bloom sitting on our table.

at the entrance

a vegetarian dish

a not-so vegetarian dish

zucchini blossoms

Our last day was devoted to A YEAR IN CARDS. We spent the day turning little needle treasures into greeting cards. This creation, by Michael, is on it's way to the framer so that it may grace a wall in their beautiful home.

Thank you, my friends!

Happy 4th!! (on the 5th)

I love this country. I have been given many wonderful gifts since coming here. I have been able to pursue my passions. I have been able to give my daughters amazing opportunities. I have made some very dear friends. I have been lucky.

Happy Birthday, USA, and thank you.

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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