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These past few weeks have been a blur. I've been preparing for the ANG Seminar in Milwaukee. I'll be teaching three classes: Needlepoint on canvas which we will be painting, needlepoint on paper which we will be cutting, cropping, manipulating, and needlepoint in tiny frames which can be worn on chains or hung on walls.

I have also been working on lovely new items such as these very pretty scissor fobs. I'll put them up on the Orna shop when I get back from Milwaukee, (the price is irresistible).

I've completed all the models for the classes I'll be teaching in 2010.

Here are a few examples of Pinwheels, a class about color and tessellations.

and the Safari Sampler. I'm really happy with the final version, lots of wild color combinations and fun textures and stitches.

If you are planning to be at the seminar this year, please come by to say hello. Wednesday night is Expo night, a highlight of the seminar. I'll have a few tables with all my new "stuff", however if you don't find me at the table it's because I sneaked off (snuck off?) to see what I may want to buy from some of the other vendors. I always make a point of coming back with at least as many items as I had when I came.

I will have some new jewelry pieces with me at Expo night. When I get back home I'll put all these new items online.

It's 2:40 am. I've had four cups of coffee today and sleep doesn't seem to be on the way. I think I'll sneak into Nina's room and steal a few of those warm soft hugs that only sleeping children can provide.

night night...

Color, Colore, Couleur, I'll take it in any language!

You know by now that I am a color addict. I see it, I feel it, I taste it.

I came across work by an Italian artist, Luisa De Santi, and I just spent an hour looking at her creations and smiling. What a wonderful mind, what a great imagination!

Take a look and then see some more

Sunday's best!

Today we drove down to Atlantic City for Nina's figure skating competition. Along with many other people driving in their convertibles, we made our way down to the shore to the Flyers Ice Rink. Remember how nervous I was last time? I stayed very calm this time. And Nina, she won a gold medal!

I've been working late every night, getting ready for the ANG Seminar in less than two weeks. Very exciting! Classes for the following year's seminar are displayed there. I've been stitching models for the classes I will be teaching. Here are some models for my classes:

There is more work to be done and I'll try to post a few photos before I leave.

It's past 1 AM and I'm almost asleep on th i s k ey b oa r d zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

What is this??

(I have a house full of family from overseas. It's great to have them here but not much work getting done. ANG Seminar is creeping up and it's clear that there won't be much sleep around here. So much to do!)

I came across these fiber mixes, not sure what they are or what they are meant for. However, I don't think I need to tell you all that the colors stopped me in my tracks.

I'll be back next week when the house is back to normal, (normal? what's that?)

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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