Attempting a terrarium(s).
We live in a loft with no outdoor space. We have a northern exposure which means great light for painting, not so much for stitching and certainly not enough for any direct light plants. I decided to try terrariums. They combine glass (one of my favorite materials), plants and building a little eco system that may survive without direct sunlight.
Some things never change. I never was, and I guess never will be a person of "one of". Nope, if I try something new, it has to be in multiples. This is no exception. I have 7 of them now and I'm holding back not to add anymore. The completed ones cost a fortune. So, off I went to look for glass containers, and then stones, soil, charcoal, moss and itsy bitsy plants.
This was a first try and I see my mistakes. I would like to redo a few of them but since you can't take the material out in layers, I would have to dump the contents, (not the plants). Not sure if I want to do that.
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Thank you for helping clean out some of my design stash. We are back to normal in almost all of the books so we need to limit the sale to ONE more day. If there are any designs you would like to get for a great discount, fly over to here.
I LOVED your lost glasses stories. So funny, so familiar. A little tidbit I've found to be true, I can't hear very well when I don't have my glasses on. Have any of you noticed that? We will be choosing a winner for the eyeglass case on Monday. You still have time to tell me a story. I love them!