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A Big Announcement

As needle artists, we are pointed somewhat against the grain. The world goes fast, we start a piece. The world goes faster--- well, we are still working on that piece. We are members of The "Slow" Movement. Results are second to process; the thrill is in the Doing. That's not to say that we don't appreciate a finished needlepoint! But the mindset of a needlepoint artist has been preemptively tuned to this new idea of slowing down. We savor our time, and know that anything worth doing is worth doing right. We are not afraid of the long-term commitment!

Another part of our reality these days is that we are living more frugally than before. I have realized that needlepoint groups and chapters don't necessarily have the resources to bring a teacher to them anymore. I have been mulling over ways to continue offering classes that allow needle artists the social aspect of what they do. Traditionally solitary, I feel passionately that the needlepoint artist must be exposed to mentors and in turn bring up mentees. Who has not evolved their craft by a hint or trick that was facilitated by stitching side by side with other artisans?

And so it came to me, the idea of a class that could be run without me there as a teacher. What would that look like? This is my answer:

Thread Gatherings are classes in a box. Each box is designed for eight people, with one designated leader. You can run these formally, or you can run them as a salon-style get together for like-minded folks. You can meet once to get everyone started, or weekly until everyone has completed their pieces.

The first class-in-a-box I designed exclusively for Thread Gatherings is a Cuff called "Grecian Glory". Cuffs are very popular among my students--it's needlepoint with a purpose! You can wear it and people see what you do. 

What I provide in this Thread Gatherings is:

  • Eight Separate Kits for each participants: 
    • scissors with decorative fob
    • All-Silk Threads in one of three colorways (each artist can choose)
    • fresh water pearls 
    • glass beads
    • Ultrasuede
    • graph paper notebook to jot down notes or chart your ideas
    • needles
    • pencil
    • tacks
  • One "Leader Handbook" containing notes, hints and handouts to help with the teaching process
  • Seven Instruction Books
  • Eight sets of canvas stretcher bars
  • Finishing wire
  • Practice canvas

Of course the most important part of a Thread Gathering is the people, so begin by bringing together the people you would like to include in your Gathering. You can organize this on your own or pass it on to your ANG or EGA chapter program chair.  (Any chapter choosing to order the Thread Gatherings will receive 10% of the cost back as a donation to the chapter. This is a great way to plump up your education fund).

So...  have any questions or need more information? Visit the site or send me a note and Genevieve and I will be happy to help.  We will have new Thread Gatherings coming soon.  Sign up to follow the blog and you will stay in the know.



On March 6th I posted an entry with photos of the Gucci Winter 2011 collection.  Because the fur in the collection was so colorful, I assumed it was not real fur.  I was wrong.  I do not agree with the use of fur, particularly not for our vanity.  While the clothing and colors were quite stunning, the same effect could have been achieved with faux fur.

My apologies for not doing my homework properly.


It's my baby's birthday today!

Today is Shiri's birthday. She was born 31 years ago today.  She was also born 10 days before my birthday, (on April 4th).  Yesterday Shiri and I were talking and she said that she is hardly thinking about her birthday, she is too busy thinking about the baby due on April 9th.  We both thought that it was totally uncanny, how history is repeating itself, almost to the day.  I couldn't be bothered with my birthday back in 1980.  All I could think about was becoming a mother. 

Happy birthday my beautiful daughter.  If history does repeat itself, you too will be a very lucky mommy.  To have a child like you makes me one of the luckiest mommies ever!

Today I came back from a delightful workshop with the Shenandoah Valley ANG Chapter.  I was spoiled by a group of fantastic stitchers, pampered with a lovely hotel, wonderful food and great company! We worked on Tessellations Again .  We spent half of day one talking about the magic of Tessellations.  Then we began stitching.  It was a very productive workshop and if I'm any indication, it was truly fun!  Thank you Shenandoah Valley!

We are now offering two new options for Tessellations Again, which will allow for different budgets.  You can get the complete kit in silks as before, or just a quadrant of the design, in silks or in cottons and rayons.  The instruction book for this design first introduces the main concepts of tessellations with diagrams and illustrations.  Next it details the design along with five wonderful laminated charts.

We will talk again soon.


 It's Genevieve here---my iphone promised me 58 degrees today, and it is 2:00 and reading a mere 48 degrees. So The Think Spring 15% off Coupon Campaign Continues until further notice. I am an avid bike rider, and although I can stick it out in colder temps, it's so much nicer to bike to work in weather over 55 degrees!

 I will be adding Grass Greens, more Yellows and Sky Blue combinations throughout today and tomorrow. 
All of this in the hopes that I will see a crocus or two peeping through this weekend!

For this, I'll take winter.

 Gucci Winter 2011

This is how I want to dress.


Color fix!


I think I can tell you now...

Turns out I'm quite superstitious.  When someone tells me how good they are feeling, or how cute a baby is or pretty much anything good,  I sneak a quick "knock on wood", because you never know when the evil eye is listening! I'm afraid of telling a fib, such as: "Oh, I couldn't come, I was sick" because what if the spirits punish me for fibbing and make me sick, (did you notice I chose fib instead of lie?).  During Oscar season, whenever an Oscar winner starts going on and on about their wonderful husband... I immediately think, "there goes that marriage, you shouldn't have said a word..." (see Sandra Bullock last year). 

All this leads up to why I haven't shared our wonderful news with you until we were in the final stretch.  Our wonderful daughter Shiri is having a baby in 6 weeks!  How exciting and marvelous is that? (tfu tfu tfu, which is me spitting over my shoulder to keep the evil spirits away).  We don't know if it's a boy or a girl, they want the surprise and we are happy with that as well.  Here she is!

and now, just to make sure, please knock.

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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