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Stitching for the young'uns

I've got four (4!!) new Thread Gatherings in the works, but there is one I'm particularly excited about. BEAUTIFUL BEGINNINGS.  This one is geared to youngsters, introducing them to the beauty of needlework. 

The Accordion Book
Samples will attach to card stock acid free paper

This Gathering includes six stitch lessons.  A Sampler of sorts.  The stitch lessons will be put into a DIY accordion book which will display the stitch samples along with the charts that teach the particular stitches.  Participating kids will thus make their own beautiful stitch glossary, their personal reference book. 

There will be more books to come, more stitches to learn and eventually a library of reference volumes that each child can be very proud of!

Just think of a birthday party activity, an after school program, a neighborhood get together for the kids. 

If you'd like more information about this particular Thread Gathering, just drop us a note, (orna@ornadesign.com) and we will send you a detailed  information packet. 

Was I dreaming?

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is showing one of the most exquisite exhibits I've seen, the work of fashion designer Roberto Cappuci.  To call him Fashion Designer is to cover only one aspect of this man's genius.  The exhibit is curated and displayed perfectly.  Around every bend I heard myself gasp. 

If you are anywhere close to Philadelphia, give yourself a most amazing visual treat, go see the exhibit yourselves!

Welcome Nomi To the Great Big World....

This is Genevieve--

As frequent readers may know--Orna's Daughter Shiri was expecting last week, and, well,  you know how these things go--

Welcome a Healthy, Beautiful  Nomi Wolf to the World!!!

Orna is up north with the new little family, and has let me know that Nomi is the prettiest, smartest, most talented three---er---four day old that she has ever met! Now does that sound like a Grandmother or what!!???!!
Nina is taking on her role as Auntie beautifully, she is very attuned to every squeak and squeal Nomi makes! And Reid is beside himself as only Reid can be. Mother and father are apparently getting the hang of the schedule, and Nomi, as a baby will do, is setting the pace for feedings and snoozing and snuggles!

Congrats to everyone!! I expect new photos soon, and will certainly post the cute ones!

What's Happening at Adorn and Coupon Codes for You!

Hello All!  The past couple weeks have been very busy ones here in Orna's Studio--we have so many projects that are "on the verge".  They all need the finishing touches, the tweaks--in other words---a lot of attention!  The projects are wide and varied. This past week, the First Thread Gathering was held by a group out on the West Coast, and we are thrilled that the ball is rolling. The first design was a beautiful (All-Silk---Yummy!) Cuff, and there will be more kits following in the next few months.

The Adorn kits ready for shipping, stretcher bars in tow!

Also going on this week is the assembly of kits for classes going on in the next few months.  For one of our New Jersey groups, who are having Orna out to teach two classes in May, we are in the beginning stages of creating beautiful kits . They are going to be packing their weekend full--A Kreink Cuff on Saturday and the beautiful Design "Grace" on Sunday!

"Grace" in Oranges

"Grace" in Purples

At the same time, Orna is waiting for the birth of her first grandchild--so every phone ring has the possibility of setting in motion a Life-Changer! I just went through this waiting for my little niece, Cate, to be born two months ago, and it's such an odd place of limbo--but then it happens, and suddenly you have a new friend. It should be any day now for Shiri!

And onto our latest offer: Etsy Coupons! If you have ever shopped at our Etsy site, then we have sent you a SUPER special coupon in your Etsy email account--if you don't get notifications to your regular email, be sure to check---the offer expires on Sunday, April 10th.

If you have never shopped with us before, not to worry, simply use the code GLADTOMEETYA10, and receive 10% off your purchase between now and Sunday. And then you will be on our list and qualified for all sorts of special treats! We have just posted a few full kits, as well as new Thread packs, so there is sure to be something that will catch your fancy!

So that's the update from here, keep an eye out for new Thread Gatherings, and a Baby Announcement!!
Boy or Girl? We will let you know.....


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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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