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about a baby...

The top left photo is of Nomi's diaper bag, namely her Pamper Swaddler diapers.  Nomi is visiting for the week and it's all about the baby.  Her diapers became an inspiration for all of us here: Genevieve, Shiri and I have been working on this inspiration board between feeding, diapering, soothing, smiling, cooing, and admiring our little Nomi.

What's prettier than the inspiration board?  This is!

I had to come back here to remind me to remind you that - just over a week left to buy your individual kit of SWEETRemember Starting July 1st they will be available as Thread Gatherings of 6.  Till then you can get them as individual kits.  Don't let this opportunity get away!

And the winner is...

The winner of our second thread pack for the "My Family" series is 


Please send us your address so we can gift the threads to you.

See you soon with our next installment.


Second Free Design and Giveaway!

It's time for our second installment of "My Family".  

From the series I wrote for Needlepoint Now ten years ago, this time it's about my parents. 
The free design is available for download on the right sidebar under: My Family - Download the Series of free designs.

Now, for the GIVEAWAY...  if you are a follower of my blog, you are automatically entered in the drawing for free fibers for this design.  If not, sign up to follow my blog and you will be entered as well, for this design and any future ones!  Look for the Follow button on the right sidebar and put yourself on the list.  This way you will also find out about all that's new around here.

My Parents: Reuben and Slava Borenstein

I was the first born to my parents.  I have often wondered about the effect of the sequence of birth on the child/parent relationship.  Being the first born, I had the youngest parents compared to my siblings.  Everything they did with me was a first: the excitement of bringing home a newborn, the worry over the first night of crying, the marvel at the first smile.  Later on the not so exciting events: first time disciplining, the first time a fever crept through a small body, the first time the young parents heard a defiant “NO!”  from this young “angel”. 

Perhaps the most marvelous of events brought on by a first child is the creation of a new family.  When I was born my parents became a family unit onto themselves and that is when the plans for the future began. 

But let’s go back a bit further.  My parents met at their workplace.  My mother petite and vivacious, my father tall and distinguished.  The romance sparked and they became a couple.  Like every child, I loved to hear the story of how my mother first spotted my father, the tall, handsome European and how shortly after they met, my father was enthralled by my mother’s zest for life.  They courted, fell in love and married.  I was born a year later and with that they had begun their own family.  When I was three years old we left Israel and set off for the United States.  Over the years my parents would make moves all over the world with us, leaving things behind, starting all over in new environments.  The moves were made to improve our lives, to move ahead, or to come back to roots.  Some moves were easier than others, some better than others.

I look back now and try to find the thread that stayed constant throughout my parent’s marriage, and throughout my family’s year together, through thick and thin. It is humor.   There is nothing my parents like more than to look back at times and situations and see the humor in them. 

When we were little there was no better compliment than my parents saying that my sisters and I had a sense of humor.  Even moments of anger and disappointment could be recalled with laughter. 

Till this day my parents love to tell the story of my near brush with school expulsion. We had returned home to Israel after a summer trip to United States and  found a letter addressed to them from my school principal.  The letter told them of the damage I had caused to school property. They were asked to show up at the principal’s office and sign a letter explaining the conditions of my being accepted into class for “one last chance”.    I promise you there was nothing funny about the situation at the moment!  I was reprimanded and punished, and I made sure to change my ways.  But not long afterwards, the story of our arrival home from the airport to find the letter would become one of the funny tales we tell about our family. It was not that the situation was taken lightly, but rather that the range of emotions, the description of their faces, or their initial thought that the letter perhaps announced my receiving a school award of some sort, all these are retold with much humor.   To this day my parents lovingly poke fun at each other, tell us of other funny moments and just love to laugh.  It is a gift I have taken with me into my own family unit.  It is what made me fall in love with Reid.  He can still make me laugh hysterically.  Shiri is funny and can easily laugh at herself.  If a funny situation occurs in my life, it is my parents that I call to relay the story.
**  My father passed away in 2007.  I miss him so very much.  I designed GIBOR in his honor and as a part of a Cure for Cancer event.

***  I have put the down-loadable pdf file on Google docs.  This should be very easy to access.  I am not able to individually send the file to you.  Thanks.

Announcing a Thread Gatherings for the next generation

As the idea of Thread Gatherings began taking shape in my mind, I knew I was looking for more than just a design to stitch.  I was looking for the concept of congregating, of togetherness,  of a gathering.  I was elated when I realized that Thread Gatherings were bringing people together to share in this wonderful art of fiber.  Much more than just a design.

But, I wanted to go a step further with this concept.  I want to bring in a young generation of stitchers, bring them together, have them spend time with each other and with us, their mentors.  Thus a series of Thread Gatherings for Young  Stitchers came to be.  

I am not totally opposed to my daughter spending time on the computer or even playing with one of the many electronic gadgets available. It's all a matter of moderation.  The best way to achieve moderation is to offer an alternative.  How do we offer these young minds and hands an appealing alternative?  We make it fun, beautiful, and enticing...  

We introduce SWEET!

SWEET is a work of art for smaller hands.  It's an introduction to needlepoint, and an introduction to bookbinding. Intended to be a First Sampler project, it is a perfect activity for birthdays, for sleep-overs, for rainy summer afternoons, and for family time. SWEET is offered for groups of 6, your youngster and five friends.  The project is an album of needlepoint samplings, beautiful, decorative, something to display and be proud of.  Each page of the album is devoted to a stitch to be learned.  A color chart of the stitch is displayed on the back of that page.  The album is then bound using delightful papers, fun and colorful stickers, and a ribbon with the sweetest beads.


Everything your burgeoning artist would need, but more important, would want, in a box. For each participant the box includes...

-  Bright, bold Overdye threads
-  6 pieces of canvas
-  Stretcher bars and tacks
-  Instruction book
-  6 colored charts
-  Needles, scissors, glue
-  Ribbon and beads
-  Accordion book parts
-  Paper to decorate with
-  Stickers and embellishments


The best part of having a SWEET Thread Gathering is to hand down something that has given you so much pleasure over the years. You are passing on the art of needlework, in a style that will speak to a younger generation, some of the old, some of the new. 


Normally Thread Gatherings kits are not sold individually. However, with such a fresh concept,  we are excited to have our readers give this kit a whirl! We are offering a limited amount of  individual kits to our readers, available for purchase on my website. Our special offer will run through July 1, and then SWEET will only be offered for sale as a set of 6.

Click here to receive:

Or click here:

For only a limited time you can purchase the individual kit  -   $45 plus S&H

WOW, I'm so glad you stayed with me for the entire story.  I am very, very excited about this one!

If you have any questions...  write to me.

About This Blog

©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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