Daily visits...
>> February 24, 2013 –
I have sites that I make sure to visit daily. These sites do their best to entice me to spend money. They curate some very interesting, sometimes odd, many times pretty and most of the time well priced, items for me or my home.
I will list these sites a bit later, but today on my daily visit I found an abundance of what? Needlepoint, of course! These are all vintage pieces, you know, the kind you sadly find in garage sales going for $5. But not here! These pieces, stitched lovingly, are priced with much more respect!
Needlepoint Abstract sold for over $700 |
The little lamb $65 |
Such a lovely drummer set, $125 |
This very sweet scene from the Wizard of Oz $165 |
The Teddy $169 |
Maybe we can meet on one of my daily visits? You do need to sign up for these sites, but I haven't gotten any hassling from them since I signed up. Here is where I go -