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an invitation

Nina's Bat Mitzvah is approaching.  She is very committed to the spirit of the event, her transition from being a child to becoming an adult.  She is working hard at preparing for the service she will lead at the synagogue.  She is bringing all aspects of the cultures of her life to this moment. We are so proud of her.  It all became even more poignant with a gift her sister, Shiri, gave her.  Shiri painted and wrote about Nina in the invitation to this event.   When Nina saw this beautiful piece of art her eyes filled with tears.  I wanted to share this gift with you.  

The invitation is in the form of an accordion book

Shiri writes:  To my dearest sissie, there is no me story without you. Love, Shiri

Wishes for a healthy, peace-filled New Year

Shanah Tova.  May you have a good year, full of happiness and contentment.


שנה טובה ומבורכת

שלכם,  אורנה

a little something for the weekend...

From a 2013 exhibit at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, 
more knit veggies from the artist Jung Jung 
and an armadillo by Adriana Torres. 

Do you sense something going on?

There were taken from sites such as: Jonathan Adler, Crate and Barrel, CB2, 
Room and Board, Mitchell Gold, and some others.  

I've added more tassel kits as well as Thread Stories to our Etsy site in the same spirit as the furniture on top!  As an example...

Tassel Kit

Curry Color Story

Color Predictions 2015 (Spring)

I love checking out the color predictions on the Pantone website. I don't know what I think about the accuracy of their predictions or the reasons for the trends.  But that doesn't stop me from enjoying the game and playing around with the results.  

Here are the colors chosen for Fashion Spring 2015, En Plein Air
I've played around with fibers in the predicted colors.  Can you complete the rest of the colors?
Send me photos of what you came up with!!

Grateful, in so many ways!

Grateful for all my lovely star students.  Here are a few of the finished projects.
Keep the photographs coming!!

I'm back!

It's good to be home.  

The view from my hotel room the first night I arrived.  Unfortunately I never really saw the city face to face, mostly just the inside of the hotel...

Seminar classes were fantastic!  I had two groups of the most delightful, attentive, stitchers, such a pleasure!!  We worked hard but still found time to laugh.  In my Samburu class, at least half of the stitchers completed their pieces by the end of Seminar!  Can you imagine?  Leaving Seminar with a piece of jewelry you stitched!  

My Color Inspiration class was amazing!  I loved the dynamics in the classroom, so much interest, excitement and feedback to one another.  It was a sight to behold!  Here are a group of images, I wish you could have seen it all in person!  

Laying out all the fibers I brought with me, in color sequence.
Notice students color coordinated their clothing!?

Same design, colors depict photographs 

How cool is that? The colors are different, the design the same! 

And to my wonderful students, if your piece is not here, it's because I took a terrible photo of it. PLEASE send me photos of your pieces!!  

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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