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More of search "Needlepoint", and these are very cool!

I really like this bracelet!
The metal chair with the warmth of needlepoint is a very interesting mix.  I think I love it.
I wonder if they used old needlepoint pieces to make these makeup bags?

Very sweet.

I wonder what the light looks like through this lampshade?

What cute china!

Cute sparkly needle threaders 

Dollhouse miniature needlepoint rug, runner, pillow and footstool. 
I'm not sure but this may be plastic canvas.  I think it's a very cool design!

Search "Needlepoint" and what do you get?

I've developed a pattern of waking up at 4 am night after night and getting out of bed and to my computer.  I know, I know, bad! bad! bad!
Sometimes I'm quite lucid and energetic, sometimes I just veg out, and surf away.

This morning I wanted to find out what Etsy had in their needlepoint section.  So I put the one word in the search and came up with some interesting results.  A few of the results are quite questionable, while others I find are quite delightful.  You may not have been up at 4 am, but you wouldn't want to miss this stuff, would you?

 The most expensive item under "Needlepoint" priced at $10,000

Second most expensive, in the $9500 range.

It's a must see!

Tim's Vermeer is one of the most fascinating documentaries I've seen in a long time.  I was mesmerized, although I'm not even sure I understood it.  
Vermeer, the Dutch painter who lived in the mid 1600s, is well known today for some of his famous paintings, such as Girl with a Pearl Earring. Like many other artists, he was not well known in his times and died in poverty.  There has long been controversy over Vermeer's work, due to his lack of formal art training and no trace of sketches under his amazingly intricate and realistic paintings.  I don't want to give any of the film away. If you get a chance, see what you think.

What I'm doing -

 Sewing runners, choosing bud vases for little clusters of flowers, planting terrariums for the tables.

Hurting a bit.

I've been busy with preparations for Nina's Bat Mitzvah as well as all the Jewish holidays happening this time of the year.  This partially explains why I've not been at my computer much lately.  I haven't been stitching at all, I mean AT ALL.  I can't find the energy and excitement. 

So what's happening?  I think it has to do with Seminar in Chicago.   Since this is a public forum, sort of, I won't go into detail.  I don't want to do any bashing or whining.  But I do want to share with you that I came home from Seminar hurt by things that happened there.  I must make it clear that my classes and students were phenomenal, they made it all worth while and gave me moments of great joy.  While some issues have since been resolved, I feel something along the lines of what a boxer must feel when he leaves the rink.  Everything is sore, hurting.  It's been almost two months, but it won't go away.  So what happens now?  First off, it's Nina's time and I will stay focused on all the exciting preparations.  After that I have made a few decisions.  I will take ownership of my time as a teacher and designer, and not put myself in the hands of organizations.  I want direct contact with my stitching friends, doing many more independent events, guild and shop teaching, open houses, stitch ins. I don't want any go between.  Just you and me.  You are what makes it all worth while, fulfilling, motivating.  I will spend the month of November putting together a schedule of events for 2015 and on.  

There, I feel a bit better already.

Another one of my brilliant students in my Color Inspiration class in Chicago sent me her completed piece.  Sara Leigh Merrey did a spectacular piece, her inspiration photo one of the more difficult photos in the class!  Take a look...


Introvert and Extrovert

We are moving into the weekend of Yom Kippur.  This is a unique time, lots of introspection, lots of quiet and peacefulness.

Before we head into this holiday, I wanted to bring you something that made me smile, and smile and smile!  If I were a shoe designer, this is what I hope my designs would look like!  (Wearing these shoes is a different matter, but fashion and practicality don't always mesh).  

All shoes designed by the talented Sophia Webster.

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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