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BEADS for the New Year!

A collection of the best and most thoughtfully matched variety of beads on the market today. Four vials filled with an assortment of beads, color coordinated, the best in Japanese and Czech beads. The vials include transparent and opaque beads; large seed beads and Magatamas, each set of four vials, a different combination.
4 wide mouth vials (1 dram capacity) packaged together beautifully and tied with a cute bow.

$10 for a set of 4 vials at our ETSY shop.

These are too yummy!

I've always been a huge fan of a good pair of embroidery scissors.  Since they are usually petite there is something inherently sweet about them.  But when I came across these babies, I melted!

TA DA!  Brand new in my shop...  the cutest sweetest, and yet sharpest embroidery scissors!

These babies are super affordable, only $11.  And they always look their best with one of our beautiful scissor FOBs.  Check out that collection HERE!

dangles by Orna

dangles by Orna

Needlepoint sculptures? Yes

The work of Swedish designer Ulla Stina Wikander. Wild, isn't it?

Eight candles, I mean dangles...

The holiday season this year is a whopper!  Hanukkah and Christmas fall on the same days!  For Hanukkah the tradition is to present one gift a night, for the eight nights of the holiday.  When I look at my "dangles" I keep seeing menorah candles.  Take a look at what I see in my mind's eye, 😉

See all the candles in my "dangles" store and maybe you have a special someone to gift these to?


PS -

It's here: GREENERY!!

It's that time of the year, Pantone's color of the year and this one could have been chosen by me!  It's called Greenery, and this is why...

Where do I start?  How about I prove my love of this color right here and now!!

Pantone, color of the year, Greenery:

Get $10 off coupon, easy peasy!!

I love these key rings, they look great with any of my colorful handmade "dangle" pendants.

Send me your ideas for matches, say: 
"green ring with pendant d", 
and I'll email you a $10 gift certificate for any purchase over $30 at: "dangles by orna".



















PS - don't forget to send me your email address so I can send you $10 off! Easy peasy!! 

About This Blog

©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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