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Bon Voyage to me!

Hello friends,
This morning I am off to Tel Aviv.  I will be away for 2 weeks but Rae is here for any of your Adorn needs.  Things may be a bit slower, but just for a little while.
I'll be seeing family, friends and getting a dose of my other home.  I need that from time to time.

I will be missing everyone here, including these two!!

Take care while I'm away!

Ground material fit to eat.

Terézia Krnáčová shows us that one person's sandwich is an person's canvas.

I think she's got it!

Nomi sent me a photo of her Water Fairy.  What beautiful colors that fairy has!

Fortune, it's a good thing...

Have you met FORTUNE?  

The beautiful shape of this design seems so organic to me.  There are 3 colorways, coordinated with the right color canvas, the right beads and of course the perfect threads.  The complete kit is priced $73, (including instructions), but in honor of this formal introduction we are offering $10 off of the kit price.  
Use code: 10Fortune  at check out and receive your discount!

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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