My 5 year old granddaughter is one of my great helpers! She will drop anything for some art time, for a new craft, or just some drawing time on her own. As you can imagine, we have much in common. So a few weeks ago, while visiting with Nomi, her brother Ruben, and their parents, I had a big stash of threads with me to wind and prepare gift grab bags that I like to slip inside your order boxes. I wind the threads and then put them together in color groups, whatever strikes my fancy. There was Nomi, and I thought: I'll have my helper work with me! I explained the task and with much excitement she embarked on her journey. I asked her to write down what each combination she pulled reminded her of, what it make her think of. She loves sounding out words and I gave her little bits of paper to write the thoughts on. Here are her combinations and thoughts:
I'm pretty sure you don't need me to read these to you, but just in case: AKA flowers |
Beautiful, of course |
Apples, (who needs that second "p" anyway??) |
Grass |
But the one I will share with you now is the one that blew my mind. This is the one that made me realize that we have a brilliant artist on hand!!
and that, in a nutshell, is our Nomi. |
You are a lucky woman, Orna!