Please, Please, Please, can we go one week without the flu hitting our home???
The only bright side is that I was looking up flu viruses, and found that they are quite beautiful?!?! How bizarre...
Needlepoint and President Kennedy?
Richard Bassett, artist, has a new series of needlepoint pillows based on photographs from that terrible day, November 22nd, 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated. Needlepoint scenes of images taken in Dallas, some well known images. His artist statement on these pieces explains their significance.
In our climate of visual inundation, these images, which once shocked and grieved a nation, now feel all too familiar and commonplace. Is this a consequence of time or has the daily onslaught of visual violence dulled our senses to a such a degree that it’s difficult to see them for what they are? And, can the shock of seeing these images on pillows momentarily snap us back to their reality?
Poetry Jewelry Collection - come watch the video...
And then pop over to our shop to see the rest of the collection HERE.
My hearts are bursting!
Try these, you will LOVE them!
The measurements are 4" at widest point by 5 5/8" length.
Fiber Talk, a new podcast for FIBER lovers, and I'm on it!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Browsing Pinterest it is amazing to see the amount of effort some crafty parents, along with their kids, put in to making gifts for friends and classmates.