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Nina's piece played on the stage of GAMP!

Last night Nina's piece "Lucas' Theme" debuted on the GAMP stage.  So very proud.

Colossal Murals

Philadelphia is considered a destination for some fantastic mural art. It's out in the open, it's in little hidden spots, it makes a statement or just gives the side of a building a bit of beauty.  If you ever come to Philly make sure to take a tour of our mural art.
There are other cities around the world with some amazing mural statements. Here are a few:

Artist: https://www.instagram.com/mantrarea/

Artist: http://byhula.com/

Artist: https://monacaron.com/

Artist: https://www.facebook.com/pg/FalkoOneGraffiti/photos/

Artist: https://www.instagram.com/1010zzz/?hl=en

Artist: https://belin.es/

Artist: http://www.eron.it/HOME.html

Artist: https://www.facebook.com/ROAStreetArt

Artist: http://okudart.es/showcase/

Artist: Julien Malland

Artist: https://www.art-of-jaune.com/
(miniature Murals)

STOP ME!!  I could go on and on...

So sorry!! I hope you can see it now!!! Video: Dare Design


The evolution of design - Online Workshop

There are many ways to teach design. This one is unique.

In this 6 month workshop I will guide you through the evolution of YOUR design. 

1. The workshop will begin with a unique way of planting ideas for a design. Watercolors. User friendly watercolor brush pens will be perfect for coming up with an assortment of beautiful paintings which can potentially become your needlepoint design.

2. Next we will reign in the watercolors and translate them into shapes on graph paper. No worries, I will guide and explain.

3. From there we will look for stitches to fill in the shapes we've established. We will use reference books, and compile a bank of stitches.

4. On your doodle canvas you will experiment with these stitches and come up with the ones you want to use in your design.

5. Mark your graph paper with the stitches you have chosen putting them together in the triangular shape.

6. This is when I come in! With your graph paper in hand I will chart your design on my computer and will then tessellate your design to form a square or diamond comprised of 4 of your triangles. You will receive a file with your design, the name you give it and most importantly your name, the designer!

7. With a box of beautiful beautiful fibers, (you will be offered 4 possible color combinations), you will stitch your design. Here we will all work together to choose the best threads for the various sections of your design.

8. If you choose you may ask for a critique at the end of the workshop.

The workshop kit includes:

3 pieces of canvas (2 for doodle and one for design)
Notebook (it's imperative to keep notes as you make your way through the design process)
A set of 24 watercolor markers and a watercolor pen
25 sheets of cold press watercolor paper (5" x 7")
Graph paper pad
Needlepoint reference book
Box of 40 different fibers (you will choose one of 4 colorways offered)
PLUS a gift of 5 Neon Rays cards.
An assortment of beads

The workshop also includes a file with your charted design, (PDF), and a designated classroom page where we will all meet and exchange ideas and thoughts.
There will be 12 designated days for presenting your completed phase. These will happen approximately once every two weeks.  It is important to work within the timeframe. Each step is a gateway to the next step.

Workshop and kit: $550
Critique at end of class: $75

Registration ends December 7th, 2017
Class begins February 1st, 2018
Sign up by November 1st and receive $35 off
(use code NOVCARE at checkout)


Exciting updates!

What a great feeling I had today when I sent in a donation of $310 to the Hispanic Federation.
19 hours ago I introduced my new design, COQUI, and we have already made a difference, you and I!!


Many have asked and we have listened, you can now get the design with a kit in a total of 5 colorways...  (from top to bottom: original, purple, green, periwinkle, orange)

Check the kits out HERE!

Let's keep up the good work and spread the word about the design and it's benefits. Let your guild chapter, your stitching group, your friends all know about the new design. Do you have a gift you need to give to a stitching friend? Consider giving them a new design? 
I'm feeling super good about this!!

NEW DESIGN and an opportunity to do great things together!!

In honor of Puerto Rico and it's brave citizens 

I offer this new design, COQUI.

The massive destruction and loss of life in Puerto Rico as a result of hurricane Maria is heartbreaking. I will be donating half of the proceeds, $10, from the sale of each PDF copy of this design to help in the recovery efforts. I will be donating to the Hispanic Federation, (https://hispanicfederation.org) which has been awarded 4 out of 4 stars for it’s financial, accountability and transparency charity ratings.

By choosing to stitch this design you will join me in an effort to help Puerto Rico. 

See the link to this design HERE!

New York and Stitch and Bitch?

Of all the Stitch and Bitch venues around the country, this one is the most enticing! I'm off to NY today but can't fit it in on this visit. You better believe I'll be there next visit!!

Lonely planet says this:

You’ve heard of B-Y-O-B (Bring Your Own Booze) but this is more B-Y-O-Yarn. Knitting novices and crochet aficionados will be pleased to hear that a niche club night is catering for them. ‘Stitch and Bitch’ evenings will be held at the newly opened Club Cumming on Manhattan’s East Village. The venue is the brainchild of actor Alan Cumming, and the roster of events on his agenda is as wacky and wild as you would expect from the eccentric thespian.
Check it out HERE!

Coming VERY soon!

I have never stitched so much in such a short time. I'm working super hard to get this new design out to you!  I hope you love it!!  Here's a peek...

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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