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as if that's not enough, this too!


25% discount on ALL our Thread Assortments on ETSY!

(easy to remember, right?)

These are going fast, don't let them get away!


25% discount on ALL our Needlepoint Kits and Instruction Guides on ADORN!


Delivery on some items may take longer as we run out of stock very quickly on these sales.
Just a little bit of patience will get you some amazing kits and designs!
Thanks for your patience!!


How did I do that?

I have had many questions about the frame I made for my miniature piece which has left for Rome. I thought I would share how I made it with you. 
I was not sure what to do about a frame. I looked everywhere for a frame that would be to my liking, work with the stitched piece and be no larger than 3"x3". When I couldn't find anything that would work I decided to try and make my own. I used heavy watercolor paper and Rapidograph pens with 0.125 and 0.35 mm nibs. These very fine pens allowed me to draw with lots of detail in a very small space. 

I knew I wanted small detailed drawings in black and white to offset the colors of the silk fibers. I began doodling and playing around and came to a point where I knew what would work. I measured two pieces of the paper to the size I wanted.
With one piece of the paper I cut an opening in the center the size of the needlepoint piece. I began carefully drawing the frame decorations. I then cut the silk gauze with a border around the stitched area and taped it to the back of the paper. Next I taped the second piece of paper onto the back of the frame thus closing the silk gauze in place. 
I forgot to mention that I also cut out a little star shaped leaf on the top of the frame for a bit more interest. 

Really fun news!!

At the end of the week this little baby is traveling to Rome! "Sweet Dream" will participate in The Tiny Biennale, an exhibit of miniature works of art. The theme of the exhibit is Night/Notte. All the pieces in the exhibit must be 3" or smaller.
My piece is stitched on 40 count silk gauze. I decided to make my own frame, and drew an ornate design on the matt board, matching it to the finished stitched piece.

Wishing you a safe journey, Sweet Dream! Hold your little head up high and soak it all in!

MORE discount codes...

We have added a new Coupon Code for all Thread Assortments and Beads in our Etsy Shop!
Head on over to the pretty red home page of the shop and enjoy the discounts!
Use code: VALENTINE20

And then,  of course, there are the other discounts on our Dangles by Orna page!

Check out all the beautiful Dangle gifts and use: HEART for $6 off your purchase.
Use: 20HEARTS for 20%off any order over $65 total.

Valentines Day lovies with discount codes!

Lovely enamel locket HERE!

Check it out HERE

A beautiful series of enamel lockets with stamped hearts attached to a fun necklace HERE!

Check out all the beautiful Dangle gifts and use: HEART for $6 off your purchase.
Use: 20HEARTS for 20%off any order over $65 total.

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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