A week ago today, AMAZING!
A Post of Praise!
When does a package get lost in the mail? When it's very, very important!
On May 31st I sent out a very important package full of kits and instructions for a class on my design Sunflower. The class was to start on June 18th, plenty of time, right? Not if the package disappears! Yesterday I found out that the package never reached its destination, and nobody knew where it was. After realizing that even if the Postal service found it and returned it to me, it wouldn't reach the stitching group in time for their class, I immediately began making calls to all the fiber companies whose fibers were in these kits. I begged them to help me by sending out the threads I needed immediately, and ship them overnight so that I would receive them all today. I assumed that by tomorrow I would be able to complete the packaging, the printing, the laminating, the shipping labels and ship it out overnight to its destination. So many things had to happen just so, on time, it was a long shot but it had to be done. I called: Rainbow Gallery, Threadworx, Edmar, Caron Collection, Wichelt, Access Commodities and gave them all my lists.
drum roll...... at 11:30 this morning EVERYTHING arrived! Package after package, it all came in. By that time Rae and I had printed and laminated the instructions, we put the fibers together in packets for each colorway and not 5 minutes ago, at 12:50 this afternoon, Rae took the big box to the Postal shop nearby.
All these wonderful companies helped me achieve this feat! All the students ready to start stitching on Monday will not be disappointed! I'm so relieved and so happy to be working with people who understand the importance of service and valuing the customer.
Hurray for Sally at Rainbow Gallery, Debbie at Threadworx, Lois at Caron, Lamora at Access Commodities, Sue at Wichelt, and the wonderful people at Edmar! Thank you all!!