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Beginning of the week photos and news.

I took these photos on Friday but didn't post them since the focus isn't sharp. I thought I'd take better photos over the weekend, but never did get to it. So better out of focus than no focus at all.

Do you see the little squares of color on the floor at the bottom left side of the short wall? That's just one example of where the floor was sanded and sample stains were applied. There are probably 12-15 such squares and we still don't know which stain to use.

new home photo3

The first of my studio cabinets going up!

new home photos2

My studio wall from the other side.

new home photos1

The kitchen cabinets are going up, slowly, very slowly.

new home photos

And the big "if" is... if the double oven fits into the cabinet space, I won't need to buy a new double oven and sell this one. If... wish me luck!


and, on another note: there is a great needlepoint magazine, can't tell you which but there is  "Now" in it's name, and it will have a new regular column on color. Hmmm, now who could be writing that column?...

More photos later this week.


I need your help. 

But before that, I'll give you a quick update on "Renovation Willis".

I need to choose colors for the walls and for some of the kitchen cabinets. I think it's still really early for that, but my architect has found a way to keep me happy. He gives me little projects that won't be needed for a long time, and thus gives me the illusion that we are really moving along! 
Smart boy!

Colors for the walls, already? Yes!!


About 16 years ago we bought a dining set at Ethan Allen. Great quality! I had the chairs reupholstered along the way, and I kept the table in near perfect shape with table pads. The chairs still sturdy, hardly any scratches, upholstery still stain free. The only problem was that I was sick, sick, sick of the set. So I went a-looking for a new set for all the upcoming dinners in the newly renovated space. 

Anything I saw was either really cheap looking, or really expensively priced.  I came back home, looked at my near perfect table and chairs and decided to have the top stripped and refinished and the chairs painted. Yesterday my set came back home to mama and I LOVE the results!!! 


And now for the help.

In my old studio I hung all my fibers like this...


In the new studio I will have one entire wall for hanging all my fibers. I'm looking for a hanging system. I want something easy to use, a system that displays the threads well and allows for shifting them around when I need to add new threads, reasonably priced, but more than anything I want this something to be very good looking! What do you do with your threads? Have you seen something at a shop, at a friend, in a magazine, that you think is really attractive and, yes, practical too?

Can you help me?

Thank you.

oh where, oh where did my camera go?

So, today I finally found the camera and here is another peek into our place.

Here you are looking at the wall of my new studio.  


 This was my studio and will now be our TV room.


Our kitchen. . .


and our new entry.


still a long long way to go!

Look what I found...

I knew it would be out sometime soon, after all I did answer the questions.  I just wasn't expecting to come across it accidentally...   You can accidentally find it here.


Renovation? The dry wall is up, still a mess but I'm going to take some photos today and share with you.

I'll be back a little later...      Have a great Monday!

It's dusty over here.


You must be tired of my whining and moaning over the renovation, (which was my idea in the first place).  I think I sound like a spoiled New Jersey Housewife. In my defense, I want to show you a few glimpses of our place as of this morning.  You can't feel the dust or smell the glue .  I must admit, I love seeing the place change but at the same time I get very nervous about the mess, (which is a whole other hang up I have).


Spring Arts Benefit on May 1

I will be participating in an art show here in Philly.  There will be about 10-12 artists from different genres and media. The fun part is that all the artists will be doing their work at the exhibit so that the guests can see how and what we do. I believe I'm the only fiber artist participating. I'll make sure to post more information soon. If you are local, come say hello!


Roses from my birthday (04.04.1957...you do the math)

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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