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Congratulations and Introductions

I've enjoyed your funny accounts of loosing glasses and I feel that I'm in good company!  It's time to announce our winner...

DOLORES, your days of searching for your glasses are over!  
Dolores wrote:  Oh my, this is my favourite colour and I would dearly love to have this eyeglass case. Yes, I too lose my glasses a lot. That's why I have so many pairs. I just 'lost' my newest pair of 'dollar store' glasses (with the multi-coloured frames) and I really wanted them. I had to think back to where it was that I used them last. Finally, the brain cells kicked in - the library. I used them to pick out some books on tape (people read while I sew) and there they were, in the library bag with my tapes and, whoops, my ID wallet too (library card, drivers' licence, credit cards, etc.)

About the previous contest, I have not yet heard from the winner and therefore can't send the prize to her. I feel so bad about a great gift sitting on my table waiting to be shipped out. I will wait until the end of the week and if I don't hear from the winner by then, I will pull out a new number and a new winner for the needlepouch.  Stay tuned.

We have new additions to the studio.  I'd like to introduce you to iMac2:


She is our new iMac, daughter to our existing big-iMac. She arrived today and already is able to speak to her mommy and to our other new friend, Lexi (our new color laser printer). They are all networking and making me very happy.


These new family members should make our lives at the studio run smoothly.

Later in the week I will also introduce you to Genevieve. She is my new assistant and already knows exactly where to find Watercolors on my thread wall.  


Dolores  – (August 3, 2010 at 6:41 PM)  

Thank you Orna. Today just happens to be my eldest daughter's birthday so I will always remember when I won the beautiful eye glass case.
Your new family looks awesome. I'm sure they will turn out to be wonderfully helpful.

Front Range Stitcher  – (August 3, 2010 at 6:42 PM)  

Nothing like a handsomely equipped studio to keep things running smoothly! New electronic "toys" are always a good idea; all this and a new assistant too? Lucky girl!

Anonymous –   – (August 4, 2010 at 1:29 AM)  

I like your collection,specially laser printer,it's so awesome.


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