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What have I been designing lately?

I am always working on at least 2 designs simultaneously.  I need to go back and forth to keep my mind fresh and in addition to new needlepoint designs, I'm also usually beading or wire-working something as well.  I don't think it's short attention span, I think it's just too much in my head that wants to get out through my hands and fingers. 
Anyway... here are a few things I'm working on -

A new sampler on 40 count silk gauze
New colorways for one of my ANG Chicago seminar classes
A new design I painted on congress cloth inspired by a piece of Japanese handmade paper

I don't stitch during the day.  That's when I do charting, writing, sending orders, etc.  I stitch in the evenings, starting around 8-9:00  and go for a few hours.  Sometimes if I'm really tired I will find myself dozing off, needle in hand and on special occasions I will even find a few strange stitches on the canvas that must have been done while I was semi asleep/awake.  How strange is that!

NEW Series, Cuffs, Lockets and Colorways!

 Finally here, the new cuff series - 

A celebration of color and design, three new cuffs are ready for you.  On my Etsy site I have them listed for you to choose one or all three.  


The Nightshade cuff combines lovely purples and greens placing them on a background of a beautiful overdye blue.  Delica beads adorn the center and the ends of the cuff.  An elegant piece that will easily call for compliments.


The Ocean cuff with Delica beads and fresh water pearls is a unique piece of jewelry.  Using overdye fibers, ribbon and wire this cuff is striking!

The Flower cuff seems to be blooming with an array of pinks, turquoises and greens.  The stitches beautifully portray the petals and leaves of a lovely flower.  Using overdye fibers and ribbons accentuated by gold colored beads, you will stand out in a crowd!

If you are ambitious and want to take advantage of a special price break, purchase the threesome at a discounted price. 








The first of the new Locket series!

The Eastern Door Locket design is a piece done on 40 count silk gauze.  The kit includes all silk fibers and includes the mounted silk gauze, needle, backing tissue, all the fibers and a wonderful small door shaped locket.  The finished piece of jewelry is 1.5"x1" and can be immediately mounted on a chain, ribbon or leather necklace. 

Front locket, THE EASTERN DOOR

There are no two colorways alike!!  You can choose from a variety of colorways all shown on our Etsy site.  See a colorway you love, don't wait, it won't be replicated. 



Follow ups...

1. Follow up on this post...
    Susan Miller, from my class, writes: Thanks for a great class.  As you can see, I'm a type A
 personality. I will be heckled at our next ANG meeting!  

You've done an amazing job Susan! (I may have heckled you too!!)

2. Follow up on this post...
    I received the box of glasses as you can see in the photos below.  Very timely, nice service, great frames.  Sad news, nothing looks good on me :(  Back you go!

3.  Follow up on this post...
     I've returned all rugs so far.  I think I've got some sort of block.  This has never happened to me before.  Here are my new possibilities.  Any thoughts?


and a reminder of our living room:

Thank you!!

Try them on? too cool.

I've always loved glasses.  I remember clearly sitting in a movie theater when I was about 21. One minute I saw it all clear as day and the next... things got fuzzy.  From that day I've worn glasses, then contact lenses and now back to glasses.  Many a frame have come and gone.  Frames have become so expensive, and then adding the lenses, with a bit of anti-glare, one needs to dip into an IRA to afford a nice pair. 

Imagine my surprise when I found this:  WARBY PARKER.  Just the name makes you feel you are about to be invited to Gatsby's home for a garden party.  You can order frames you like, have them shipped to you for try on, and then ship them back if you don't like them, all for free!! They are much more affordable than what we usually pay, and the most fun is the virtual try-on. OMG!!

You webcam a photo of yourself, I decided to take a photo in my least flattering self, no make-up, no fixing hair, just me on a regular morning.  If the glasses looked OK on my looking like that, there was a chance they would look even better if I made a small effort.  I've just ordered 5 (!!) pairs for home try-on, they should arrive in 5 days.

Wanna laugh?  Here are the webcam photos of me trying on a couple of frames...

The bad news?  I just spent a whole hour messing around!

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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