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Why can't we have these??

List of things that bring to mind the question...  Why can't we have these??

1.  Pango - a service that lets you pay for street parking, parking lot parking, gas stations and car washes via an application on your smart phone.  Example: yesterday I took my mother to the doctor.  I found a parking space in the busy city, parked, called a code on my cell phone and after the prompt, said the name of the city I parked in.  That's it, I had started my parking meter.  This was good for 2 hours, but 15 minutes before my time is up I get a reminder on my cell.  So I press the code again, and two more hours are added.  I didn't even see my car, didn't need to run across town to get to it, just a cell phone away.  Yesterday the appointment went very quickly, so as we left the office, I dialed the code again and the parking meter stopped!  No 1/2 hour increments, real time!  Why can't we have these??

2.  Rooftop solar water tanks - for as long as I can remember, hot water in Israel came from the rooftop water tanks.  They aren't a very beautiful site, but they use energy that is there, the sun, and voila, hot water in the shower.  On cold winter days, you turn on an electric heating element that heats up the water taking over the sun's job.  Very little electricity used, very efficient, so much friendlier!  Why can't we have these??

3. Toilets with #1 and #2 options - I  know, it's not something I expected to talk about, but it struck me that every single toilet I've seen here, no matter how simple or fancy, has two options for flushing; a short flush for #1 and a longer, stronger one for #2.  Every single toilet I've seen here!  Why can't we have these??

4.  and back to doctor appointments - my mother hasn't been feeling well.  She called her doctor's office, the doctor answered the phone.  No, I don't mean after pressing 1 for this and pressing 2 for that, I don't mean after she was interogated by the receptionist, I don't mean at the end of the day after all the patients left, I mean my mother called, the doctor answered.  It happened again later the same day and the next morning as well.  Just like that.  Why can't we have this??

Today I'm taking a class in metal wire knitting.  I'll let you know how it went.  Miss you all!

Hello from waaaayyyyyy over here!

It's been a little more than a week and I'm having a very good, relaxing time!
First on the family front, we had a delightful birthday party for Nina with all the aunts, uncles and cousins at my mother's place.

Nina went off to her two week camp and after a week there, she was forced to call home, (by me calling the camp and telling them to get her to the  phone). Her first time away from home and she doesn't even miss us a tiny little bit?  Her counselor very gently recommended I not be insulted...

I took a workshop in leather manipulation and made a clutch bag.  Of course I had to do something different than the assigned bag, therefore being the last one to complete my project.  It was fun!

Next, I went to see the Israeli Biannual Ceramic exhibit which was beautiful!

and in the meantime, Reid visited with Shiri and family in their new home in their new city...

Bon Voyage!

Just a quick note before I run off to Target for a few last items.  Yesterday a huge box went out to California with all the models for my three Chicago Seminar classes and one Cyberworkshop class.  The Glory cuffs will be offered for an online class and with that in mind I decided to bring a new colorway to the mix, (top right).

"The Village I Built" is on it's way as well along with a sample of the kit for this piece placed a neat clear box to see the silks in all their glory.

I also sent out all the inspiration photos for the color class I will be teaching in September here in Pennsylvania.  I love teaching, but more than anything I love teaching this color workshop! 

I will be writing to you on Facebook, or here, so please stay close by. 

Love to all,

Gift Giving

I always like to bring goodies to my nieces and nephews when I visit them in Israel.  I try NOT to be practical, there is nothing less appealing to a child than a practical gift. This year I decided to make jewelry for each of my nieces.  I made necklaces with their names stamped on metal. I hope they love them... what do you think?

Tal is the youngest
Necklace for Yuval, (of the Yuval cuff!)

And talking about jewels... this is the cutest jewel around!

Wearing one of Aunt Nina's stylish hats

Back to packing!  BLAH

Samburu, all four colorways for you to preview.

Happy 4th of July weekend!  

Here they are, the four colorways for my Samburu class at ANG Seminar 2014 in Chicago.  This class will be about stitching the amulet but also about the finishing, the beading, the tassel making, in short, you will learn how to make what you see!  
SAMBURU - Vast Sunset Colorway

SAMBURU - Cast Shadows Colorway

SAMBURU - Desert Thorns Colorway
SAMBURU - Animal Instinct Colorway
I hope you are all enjoying your 4th of July weekend and staying safe!

Going away sale!

To keep you busy while I'm away, I've put my new cuffs on sale!  
These complete kits of four new cuff designs are normally $44-$46 each.  Want all four?  The regular special price was $140.  

NOW until Sunday morning these four cuffs are $100, making them $25 each!  
Complete kits!  Really!!

Grab them while sale lasts...  HERE!

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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