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Irene Urban sent me beautiful photos of her Yuval cuff.  The colors, the jewels, all her choices!!  She describes the colors as a bit Bollywood.  I love them!!  Thank you, Irene.  I admire your choices and the speed in which you created your Yuval cuff!

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

We had Nomi with us for 5 days and Ruben for the weekend.  Ahhhhhhh, just kvelling.  
Nina will be on her way to Israel in a week.  I'm already missing her.  It's going to be difficult so I will need to keep very busy preparing for Seminar in Chicago.  Already the studio is bursting with kits, fibers, embellishments, instruction books.  It's very yummy around here.  

Will you be at Seminar and if so, do you have any special requests for merchandise night?  I'm always looking for help on what to bring, how to display it all for your ease in viewing.  Any tips? 

Upside down photo by Nina

A fun bath before heading home

I'm off to make some order in the house.  I'm finding toys in the strangest of places!


Special Delivery - Boxes and boxes of Fiber!

They are all on the ETSY shop, take a peek!

So much to show!!!

Lots of wonderful new items, new designs, new fun!!

VICTORY GARDEN!  Finally, the design I  have stitched along with you, (here, here, here), is ready for you!  Two wonderful colorways, interesting threads, (even Memory Thread), used in this very intricate design.  The size of the design is 9"x 9" and is stitched on 18 count mono canvas.  

A shout out to Jane of Chilly Hollow:  
You are the inspiration for the Tiki Colorway name... THANKS!!

The design is offered as a complete kit, ($132) or as an instruction book only, ($40).  You can find them both on our ETSY shop HERE.

Next we have another new design: THE VILLAGE I BUILT.  Remember this one?  Well, it was supposed to be taught at the ANG Chicago Seminar but instead I am offering it to all and now!

This delicate beauty is stitched on 40 count silk gauze.  Wait!  please don't panic!  It really isn't hard with the right magnifying apparatus.  This little treasure is worth it, it is quite striking and framed correctly, even though it's small, it can be quite the focal point!

This design is offered as a complete kit, including the mounted silk gauze, ($135), or as instructions only ($35).  This too can be found on the ETSY site HERE.

and lastly... drum roll...

Wonderful fiber and embellishment story packages, that tell a color story, a textural, nuanced, beautiful story!  The packages include 15 skeins of fiber: one Watercolours overdye, one Waterlilies overdye, 2 lovely skeins of variegated threads and 11 skeins of exquisite perle silk.  The silk skeins are from my one of my favorite companies, Planet Earth.  These are cousins to the stranded silks I offer. They are called Pepper Pot, how cute is that?

AND!  for every order you place of a story package you place, you receive a free design, complete instructions for FOUR SEASONS.  

FREE DESIGN!! Four Seasons
This design lends itself to color stories, as you can see in the photo.  You can stitch each story separately or stitch four stories together.  The instructions include how to stitch the four as well.
In addition to the threads you will get a wonderful array of coordinated embellishments: crystals, pearls, semi precious stones, glass beads.  Each package comes with a focal bead or stone, a real knock-your-socks-off kind of embellishment.

These packages are offered at $65 each for all the threads and embellishments and come with the free design.  The first batch of stories is on our ETSY shop HERE and now!!

Whew!!  so much to show!!

Coming soon, about to hatch!

 We are working on the most amazing color stories.  Boxes of silks with precious embellishments.  Sooooo beautiful!!

Cuff in progress...

Things you see from here, you don't see from there.

It's all a matter of perspective.  I love the saying, (in Hebrew it sounds more concise).  Simple words conveying lots of truth.  It all depends on where you are looking from, doesn't it?

Looking at this random batch of silk skeins, it's hard to realize there is a storyline.

Looking from here, the story is evident.

I love finding the story!!

The results are in...

Orin didn't win the Tony this year, although the amazing actress/singer who plays Carole King did win. Still, a great honor to be nominated yet again, and they had a wonderful evening!

Overwhelmingly the vote for location of the antique horse blanket went in favor of not under the painting, but on the other sofa.  I don't have the exact numbers, there are too many replies to count, but no doubt where the blanket should be!!

Nomi and Ruben spent the weekend with us.  Ahhhhhhh.  Nomi and I had a baking date with some cookies, while Ruben and I enjoyed chatting while he jumped around.

The Tony's again!

Remember how Orin won a Tony for best musical two years ago?  Once actually won 8 Tonys that year.  Reminder:  HERE
Well, it might happen again tonight!!  As one of the producers of BEAUTIFUL, The Carole King Musical,  he is up for another BEST MUSICAL Tony award this evening.  The musical is up for 7 Tonys!
As I write these words Shiri and Orin are getting dressed up, (really dressed up!) and will be attending the event. Shiri promised to text us any backstage interesting tidbits.  Here at home, Nomi, Ruben, Nina, Bella, Reid and I, have popcorn ready for a long night.

Shiri ready for red carpet!!

Come on in!

See my new painting!  It's taken awhile.  We had a different one at first.  One that I love but it was way too small for the wall.  We went to visit the artist in his studio and chose this one.  I'm thrilled with it, a perfect match for our room.

Do you like it with the antique horse blanket on the sofa in front of the painting or as seen below, on the other sofa?  You may think this is a silly question, but it's the kind I can contemplate for way longer than I care to admit...


It's almost here.......


Last polish to the instructions and a big decision on the border, and then it goes out into the world!

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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