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Well, I'm off to Chicago...

I've been working on this trip for so long! Probably too long.  I'm super ready for the classes, and I feel good about that!  I know how much these Seminars cost, how much people save money and vacation days to be able to attend and I feel I have an obligation to give my students the best I can.  I have tons of goodies for my classes, tons!

Now for market night, (Expo night), here I believe I went overboard.  I asked you all what I should bring with, what you would like to see, and then I proceeded to add everything else!  Most of my thoughts during the prep time were: "Oh, why don't I just add a few of these?", "These have new colorways, people might enjoy seeing them!" "I get to show this new stuff in person, I need to take it with me!" and on and on.  I don't even know how I will be able to set all of this up myself.  If you are in Chicago and would like to help me out at Expo night, please let me know.

I'll try to write from there.  So see you all in a week, unless I see you in Chicago ;)


Bye bye Esther!

a little excitement around here!

Tassel-omania continues going strong!  I love your response to my pretty tassel kits, thank you!  The kits, including the new Planet Earth ribbons, have been rushing out of the studio almost as fast as I can put them together.  I wrote about them HERE and Tracy from Planet Earth wrote about them on her blog HERE.  I'll be bringing you some new kits right after I get home from Chicago, so stay tuned.

Here is a new photo of a few of the completed ones...

I'm always working on a project, or two or more.  I guess I need to have my wheels turning, a little stress and lots of brainstorming motion going on at all times.   The next big family event is Nina's Bat Mitzvah. We are doing a Willis-style Bat Mitzvah, i.e., no big party at a venue, no DJs or photo booths or paint your own t-shirt, (and I am absolutely not implying that there is anything wrong with doing it that way! It's a matter of style and budget).  Of course Nina will do her part at our synagogue and that evening we will have a lovely dinner at our home.  Oh, maybe 50 close friends and family. 
We will have Nina's saxophone teacher and a drummer and piano player come to play jazz and there will be one more talented musician in the ensemble... Nina!  She will be jamming with them as we eat a scrumptious meal.  After that, maybe a little karaoke?  Shiri and Nina love to sing together and as corny as it sounds, some Broadway tunes could be fun for all.  Plans are still being formed, I'll keep you posted.

Off to shower and get the day going.  Talk soon!

and for my next trick...!

These lovelies are getting packed to go to Chicago.  They are new gem combinations.  They are, obviously, color-coordinated, mono-chromatic, to show how colors in different elements are alike yet different.  The contents are some of the best available; Miyuki beads, fresh-water pearls or glass pearls, semi-precious stones, Czech crystals. 

For me there has to be an entire picture.   There have to be fibers which can be enhanced by beautiful canvas colors, which can be embellished with sumptuous gems, which can be explained in thoughtfully written instructions, which can be detailed in colorful diagrams and charts, which must be, just must be, packaged as if you just bought yourself an amazing gift.  (Now, how's that for a sentence???)

These lovelies retail at $5 each.  I won't be posting them on Etsy until after Chicago, but if your eyes spy something you must have, send me a note and we can make it happen before they cross state lines.


ps - these make me very happy!

Tassel - omania! a condition involving love of ribbons and tassels.

I've told you about the new Planet Earth Silk Ribbons, right?  Well, I love tassels and it seemed to me that my love for tassels and for Planets Earth's Silk Ribbon could merge in a beautiful way.  

Let me present... "On the Fringe", an easy method to make elegant tassels.


These tassels can be used at the ends of lariat necklaces, or at the edge of a beautiful piece of needlepoint, or just decorating a lovely jug, (as shown above).  I have some hanging from my studio cupboard knobs.   Since I can't keep things to myself, I've put together a little something for you.  Silk ribbon, Ultrasuede, beautiful jewelry findings, a silk cord and coordinating beads.  

The instructions come with step by step illustrations.  All you need is an iron and scissors.

Check them out in our Etsy Shop!

Introduction to a new silk ribbon and new thread packs!

I'm thrilled to announce that I am now carrying the new line of Silk Ribbons from Planet Earth!  They are a glorious new addition to my lovely stash of threads!  The color process of these ribbons is hand painted edges making the ribbons so unique in the graduating colors of the ribbons themselves.

Of course I need to get you to try the whole Planet Earth artillery!  And along with that, why not add some hand picked beads, glass pearls, and crystals all in the same color world as the threads.

I am very busy packing for Chicago, but I want to share these with you and will be offering them at a great introductory price of $48 for the entire package.  I have listed 3 colorways on my Etsy shop, more are coming as I choose and match the various elements.

Tell me what you think of them!!

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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