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Some places where thread meets skin...

**  I need to apologize for not putting the references for the photos above.  I had them all laid out, all sourced, and then my computer did something really bad, it all vanished!!!  Please forgive me... **

New Year, New Plans

What's in store for the new year?

  • I'll be teaching quite a few classes.  If you'd like to know when and where, send a note my way, (orna@ornadesign.com). 
  • Color Class at Orna's studio/home, JULY 17-19, 2015. I will have more details in the next few weeks.  If you think you may be interested, please email me, (orna@ornadesign.com), and I'll put you on the short list.  Here is a preliminary explanation of this fascinating class...

  • New painted canvases: 3 birds (hints HERE).  
  • I have some b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l new projects baking in the oven, should be ready for you soon!

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

And the wonderful completed projects from my Color Class in Chicago this past summer, keep coming in!  Here is Jackie's finished piece along with her inspiration photograph.  A remarkable job, no doubt!!

Reporting on 2015 color: Marsala

It's that time again, the Pantone choice for color of the year.  And the judges say... Marsala.

 Immediately I started a Pinterest board HERE.

Then I played with my threads and beads, but it wasn't quite right yet...

I thought it reminded me of one of my logo color combinations, but no, when I pulled the colors out I saw they were wrong.

I'll keep working on it, but could you look around in your home?  Do you have a needlepoint piece, a furniture piece, a dress or shoes that we can add to the collection of Pantone Color of the Year - Marsala?  Send it my way and I'll add it to the Pinterest board  (***).


I'm back from my wonderful trip to Israel. Hope to post a few photos soon.  Happy New Year to you all. I see many of you downloaded my freebie design for 2015, ENJOY!!

***(Just a quick note, I know there is some controversy about Pinterest and the legality of posting images.  I prefer not to enter the discussion, I understand the other viewpoints but we each make our choices. Thanks)

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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