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50% off all Design Instruction Book Downloads!  
That's it.  No coupons, no codes, just 50% off.  
All HERE, on my Etsy Shop!

We will be adding more book downloads tomorrow, so make sure to come back and visit!!!

(Sale ends Monday, March 2nd)

Can you say Charming?!

Let me introduce you to Teresa Lim. 
Most of us would pull out a camera, she pulls out embroidery floss. 
Charmingly delightful!  
Check her out here.

They keep coming in!

Thank you Bonnie!  Another one of my marvelous students from the ANG Chicago Seminar!  

I am kvelling from all the thoughtful and inspiring work these ladies and gents have accomplished!!

The upcoming color classes this year are:

May 26-29 - Syracuse New York CNY ANG Chapter
May 30-June 2 - Syracuse New York CNY ANG Chapter
June 12-13 - Philadelphia Main Line ANG Chapter
July 17-19 - Philadelphia 

If you are interested in any of these classes, I can put you in touch with the Chapters. 

and if you can't make any of these, there are more scheduled next year!

Have a wonderful weekend all!!

I'm just not there.

Thinking about life.  

I've been hearing a lot about downsizing from friends my age, (57), and older.  I've been hearing talk of not wanting to buy new stuff, such as furniture, collectables, clothing.  Wanting to rid closets of anything not worn in the past year, or anything you had hoped to fit back into.  Looking to move into smaller living spaces, with fewer bedrooms, fewer bathrooms.  Essentials, just the essentials.  

I'm not there.  

I know less consumption is better for the environment, and it's probably indicative of better values, i.e. what's important can not be bought with money.  I know that we tire of stuff, it looses it's appeal once it's been around for awhile.  How many pairs of boots can one wear in a winter?  How many pairs of earrings are excessive? Tired of looking at that 10 year old coffee table?  That doesn't mean you need a new one. It's in perfect shape and it does it's duties!  

I'm just not there.

I'm still consuming, still collecting, still being tempted by the ever changing offerings of new merchandise in stores and online.  I may be more aware of the fleeting sense of excitement I get from the purchase, or even look harder for bargains knowing that this may not be the only white blouse I have in my closet.  But I still WANT!

And since we are in confession mode, here are some things I wouldn't mind owning...

a good source for music in the house!  
a polishing bench Lathe to get that mirror finish

a new upgrade sax for Nina, (they are so darn expensive)

We have a beautiful wood bed but it's so high we need to come
on to it running and make some Olympic worthy jumps to get up onto it.
I want low!  And fabric headboard!

There, I confessed!

2015 is the year of YES, I can!

Over the years I have taken jewelry making/ metalsmithing classes.  Starting back in my Michigan days, and then every time I visited Israel, I would treat myself to lessons and studio time.  Oh what fun I had, how fascinating and fulfilling the process was for me.  Still, it scared me.  I have never believed I could make metal jewelry, saw, solder, anneal and texturize on my own.  Since my first lesson, 18 years ago, I've never trusted my ability to create on my own.

Up until 2015.  I decided to give myself a New Year's gift, so I bought a jewelers bench, tools and accessories and set up a little corner in my studio, where I can go at it on my own.  I'm scared, intimidated, but adamant about succeeding!

My new setup...

Starting with butane torches, I'm a bit afraid of the "real" thing :)

Giving myself little refreshers on bezel mounting.

and on prong settings

and on ring making.

It's slow, but I'm loving it!!

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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