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Things that make me ... ahhh sigh...

I love her work!!  HERE

                                                            *   *   *   *   *

and check this out HERE

*   *   *   *   *

and then there is this!  HERE

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The last of them, 20% off...

Thank you for being patient with us here at the studio, as we struggled to keep up with your love for our October Fiber Collection.  
I am off to visit my family in Israel in less than a week and now that we've finally gotten all your orders out, we have a few last of the collection available. I won't be back till mid November so I want you to have a chance to get the last of our combos. Our website is updated with what we still have, and we are throwing in our super dandy discount of 20%!  Code: Lastofthem.  

So, pop over HERE, get the last of them, and enjoy the beauty of these amazing combinations...


I couldn't have said it better!!

Even Esther is frustrated...
This month I have experienced, (and not for the first time), the helplessness of not being able to supply my customers with their orders in a timely fashion. I judge most things, as I am sure we all do, by how would I feel? When I order anything online, I start counting the days for its arrival. I want it all yesterday. So, when I can't supply an order right away, and when I find out that there will be a big delay due to issues on the supplier end, I feel horrible! This month has been very frustrating. My monthly fiber collection was a big hit, much more so than I anticipated. I found myself, on the first day of introducing the collection, already running out of the most popular combinations. I immediately began to order more fibers from the suppliers and asked to have them shipped as quickly as possible. With some it worked, with others... I'm still waiting. That means you are still waiting. That means we are all upset! 

It was quite incredible, therefore, to read a post on Jane from Chilly Hollow's blog referring us to a post Debbie from DebBee's Designs wrote on September 30th. Hence my title to this post... I couldn't have said it better!!

This is what Debbie wrote:
... When I ordered supplies from my regular supplier, I specified that if anything was back ordered, to please let me know so I could acquire from a different source. I heard nothing, so I assumed that everything would be in the box. The shipment arrived while I was away tending my mother, and I couldn’t open the box while I was out of town. When I opened the box to begin assembling kits, I discovered that not one, not two, but three different items were back ordered and not in the box! Frantic phone call to the supplier, who confirmed that the items were indeed back ordered, and no hint as to when they would ship.
I spent yesterday trying to find other sources for the missing kit items, and hopefully they will be on their way soon.
I also had to revamp the instruction book to include a fourth color way. Instructions rewritten, books printed and ready to ship as soon as the missing kit items arrive. But the clock’s ticking and I’m getting nervous about getting things out in a timely manner.
Why not order sooner? Good question, and one for which there’s no easy answer. I placed my orders as soon as the registration period ended, and there’s a built-in time cushion to allow for supplies to arrive, assemble kits and mail. When a supplier lets me down, though, that time cushion quickly evaporates. Ordering in advance of the end of registration is fraught with problems. What if I order too much? I have to pay for the supplies and am stuck with them unless I can find another use, or have the class again. What if I order too little? It’s also a problem because I have to pay shipping charges for each and every shipment – far better to place one order and have one shipping charge!
So while I’m waiting for my missing kit items, I’ll get back to Citrine. Fingers crossed the supplies arrive quickly!

Most needlepoint designers have small businesses. The inventory we can afford to keep is limited. We try to anticipate and predict, but we are sometimes surprised. We do as best as we can, but it doesn't always work. I know I have let some of you down, but it is not because I don't care. I do, very much! 



Jay Mohler's Mandalas.

Jay's work can be found HERE.



A great opportunities is about to expire ...

Tomorrow registration ends for my class with Cyberpointer's.
UP NORTH Colorway
TIKI Colorway

My design, "Victory Gardens" , is an online workshop, (February 1-April 15, 2016), which you will enjoy and learn from!  Find all the information HERE, but hurry, registration closes tomorrow!

Thank you so much!

Your response to my October collection has been phenomenal, I am so appreciative.  It is such a pleasure for me to curate and prepare these collections and when you love them it is very satisfying!

I have added 3 more combinations to the collection...

 Don't forget the discount code, it will allow you a 20% off price for these combinations: Collecting.

Today I am off to see Ruben and Nomi.  Ruben will be 2 years old next month, they grow up so very fast!  He and I have a shared love of construction toys.  The two of us can spend endless amounts of time on the living room rug building legendary structures.  Have you seen the magnetic construction toys that are ever so popular?  Ruben and Nomi have magnetic tiles that allow you to put together shapes and imaginary houses.  Today I will bring him a new magnetic building toy, we will have loads of fun, I know!

Have a lovely day!

So here they are...

October's MUST HAVE ALL SILK Fiber Collection.
Check them out here: SHOP
and for one week use the code: COLLECTING
and get 20% off your collection purchase!!

What a great weekend!

Coming back from Binghamton, after teaching a fun workshop with some lovely stitchers, I had a 4.5 hour drive to contemplate how lucky I am, (tfu tfu tfu).  Over the years I have made some wonderful friends at my workshops all over the world.  Yes, I said world.  Yvonne Close in England who, back in the summer of 2005, had me come and teach a few of my designs to her customers and who was generous enough to put all three of us up, (Reid, Nina and myself). What a time we had! She had a big birthday party for Nina, we met her family and bonded with Yvonne and Stephen, her husband.  I am grateful for that friendship.

Nina and Yvonne's handsome grandson in Stephen and Yvonne's gorgeous garden.
Yvonne holding on to Nina as she feeds the swans.
I look through my photos and marvel at how many wonderful people attended my workshops and how I am excited to see them every time we meet again.  On that note I want to thank Joann and Ginny, the organizers of this workshop, who not only took great care of me, but also made me laugh all weekend long!

Hi to the ladies of EGA Binghamton, NY!

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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