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Nina, an amazing photographer!!

On Friday Nina visited the Philadelphia Chinese Lantern Festival.  She brought the festival home on her camera! I love her eye for photography!

A special treat!! Guest blog by Father B!!! Don't miss...

Father B and I met in one of my home studio classes and we have had an ongoing friendship ever since!  I've asked him to write a guest blog post about the beautiful work he has done with me and he graciously agreed.  I id not know he was going to be so complimentary of me, I'm a bit embarrassed, I can only assure you no money was passed between us... 😉

It is with gratitude and much admiration that I bring you Father B in his own words...

Orna Willis Blog by Father B (not the original, the second)

Almost two years ago this July I signed up for the Colorations class given by Orna Willis in her studio home in Philadelphia, Pa. Almost from the moment of our first encounter our two kindred spirits melded. With only three other classmates, Orna was able to instruct, evoke, enkindle each of her students with almost undivided care and nurture. Sparks of inspiration flew as we were drawn into her conception of color relationships. After a few moments of class instructions, and speaking about the photo inspirations each student had adopted, we were given the freedom to wander and wonder in her studio shop for corresponding threads to the pattern she had given us. With unbounded energy and enthusiasm, like children in a candy store we eagerly pulled, compared, sifted through countless combinations and shades to narrow our choices and thread types and began our quest in stitching the pattern. Over the next few hours and days we developed and enlarged and sometimes narrowed our selections to produce the final product. I was completely mesmerized, with Orna hovering over in glee at the color choices and stitch combinations, a sparkling glint of approval in her eyes urging me and the students to probe deeper into their souls for enriching both needlework and color choice.

This first personal encounter with a wonderful teacher deepened my appreciation of color, and lead me to discover my innate talent already planted in my soul. Upon completion of the project (see photo) I was already looking forward to stitching another of these projects with my thread selection and using a Klimt painting as a guide. I completed this second keyhole or opening into the soul in record time, receiving approval and blessing from Orna. (see photo)

Seeking a more complex development in color appreciation and under the guidance of Orna, I requested her to develop a Gold Klimt pattern for me based on the colors in The Kiss, using the Tesselations again pattern. She obliged me and within one week she had delivered some 46 threads and model which I began immediately. Slowly but surely, commencing in the very center of the project, I jumped into the stitching which slowly began to captivate me as I progressed and finally completed after three months of work. Behold the result! (see photo) I was caught up into color bliss, transported by a wonderful keen eyed instructor!

As I read of Orna’s latest invitation to design a project together with her, I began to reflect on the creation process. I was on a long road trip to Pittsburgh as I pondered and prayed about creation, and immediately thought of God’s first day of creation as he separated light from dark. I passed through tree filled mountains and thought how this first day of creation is imitated in nature as spring enlivens new growth from the darkness of winter. The dark shades of tree trunks sprout forth into almost forty shades of green, then pale yellow then strong orange, then crimson red. Afterwards the vibrant flower colors sprout, develop and mature; the ultramarine blues, lilacs, even the pure white lily of the valley! All these grow at the word of our Creator recreating the very first day!

--> When I returned from my road trip, I perused the Adorn by Orna website. I admired all the needlepoint kits and then encountered the kit: “Let there be light.” I had forgotten about this project of hers! Upon close inspection of the details in the design, they all matched my prior musing, color by color, design by design, word by word. It seems that Father B has some needle pointing homework to catch up on to hone more skills from this brilliant teacher. Please join me with other needle enthusiasts on line to enhance, enrich and co-design with this wonderful instructor!

Thank you Father B, we've had and will continue to have a great journey!

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We are going to make your lives easier! 
We are now including congress cloth in the kit at the same price! 

Come check out these gorgeous new goodies! 

NEW DESIGN - Beautiful newbie!

Down The Line, a new design on Congress Cloth comes in 2 colorways and captures so much excitement in a 5" x 5" space.  Charming play on colors and a fun stitch!

Colorway: Mardi Gras

Colorway: Bougainvillea

Find the new design in our Adorn store at: www.adornbyorna.com

Fashion and Needlepoint Fibers - Gorgeous Combinations!

I always look at needlepoint as part of the modern world as well as the age old tradition. I want to be able to relate to it within the confines of our artistic views today. I've combined photos of 2017 Fashion runways with thread combinations that I offer in my Etsy shop.

How about our red silk ribbon combination HERE?
Or the blue  overdyes and silk fiber combination HERE?
Or the fantastic range of purples we have? You can find these HERE as well!!
Check all the available thread packs, quite amazing!

My design process; the How and Why

I really can't say what made me design these segments. Why did I choose these threads, why did I decide to change direction on the canvas?  Why did I stitch the Jessicas below in the sizes and shapes I did and why did I fill them in with the stitches shown below? What was it about the overdye I used in the diamond on the bottom right that compelled me to use it and surround it by greens and reds?

The only way I can share why and how is if you are there with me when I make these choices,  when I experiment with them,  when I stitch them in and pull them out.

That is why I am offering a new experience, an online design experience.  You will be at my side as I work up a new design and as I bring it together step by step, you will stitch it along with me.  Read about it below...

"Over the many years I've been designing, one question comes up again and again... how do you design a new piece? No matter how detailed my answer is, no matter how hard I try to explain the process, I come away feeling a bit frustrated. Words can't always shed light on how a new design comes to be.
But there is one way you are sure to understand, and in fact be there as it happens! Come design with me! An online class where you buddy up with me as I design a brand new piece!! On a private dedicated Facebook page, whatever I do, you will do, as I do it. As I come up with each step, I will send it to you, charts and explanation. Step by step, stopping along each time to bring what I do to you, we will stitch a new design together.
You will recieve 18 count mono canvas and a lovely group of fibers. This "mystery" class is different from other mystery classes. In this class I don't know what we are doing either. But it will unfold and you will be there with me to stitch each step and discuss the process. You will receive the kit and a start date, (June 12th). You will also get an invitation to a private dedicated Facebook page where we will meet to talk about the process and exchange thoughts. Don't worry if you are afraid you won't be able to keep up due to your own time constraints, stitch when you can and join us when you have the time.
See you at the drawing board!!"

Sign up for this experience HERE!

You can read more HERE, and always ask me questions!

Quick, duck, new items are dropping into our ETSY shop!!

About This Blog

©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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