Philadelphia Murals and Give-aways!
>> June 8, 2009 –
designs in progress,
On Saturday we took a tour of the murals of Philadelphia. We got on the trolley that would take us through the center of Philadelphia. We handed our camera to Nina and let her document the tour . She did an amazing job!
It was wonderful to see how she chose to photograph the murals; the angles, the views, the close-ups. Perhaps we have a photographer in the making?
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and now, for the give-away:
It's been too long since we had our last give-away. It's time to get back to our monthly challenges and this is the one for July...
Remember my Circle period? I'm almost done with the piece I was working on back then, probably one more evening of stitching. Now I need your help. I need a name for the piece. Please send me your suggestions and you will be entered to win a lovely pack of fibers. Get your brilliant ideas to me by Monday (June 15th) so that this poor piece of canvas can have a name.
And here it is, my circle creation, waiting to be named.

Remember my Circle period? I'm almost done with the piece I was working on back then, probably one more evening of stitching. Now I need your help. I need a name for the piece. Please send me your suggestions and you will be entered to win a lovely pack of fibers. Get your brilliant ideas to me by Monday (June 15th) so that this poor piece of canvas can have a name.
And here it is, my circle creation, waiting to be named.

How about "Round and Round I Go" as a name for your circle piece. Or "Wheeling Away My Time."
Love those circles, Orna. OK, how about "Let's Circulate"!
When I saw this I thought instantly of watch faces, how about Circles of Time.
Rain drops falling into a puddle. Sooo, Rain Drops.
It reminds me of the hours I spent as a child playing with Mom's button box, spilling them out onto the floor and sorting them down into colors or sizes, so how about Bodacious Buttons
"Completion" or "From Brginning to End" or "Yesterdays, Todays, and Tomorrows" - A circle is our yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows. Having a circle means that that portion is complete in our life.
I would suggest "Nuclei," defined as "a thing or part forming the center around which other things or parts are grouped or collected: core." While "nuclei" seems very descriptive of what we are seeing in your work, it also leaves much room for interpretation.
I see centers pushing to edges and edges puthing next to each other and to the edge of the canvas. How about Centrifical Force?
Seeds of Change
I like it a lot! I suggest the name "Harvest Garden." Cheers!
How about Merry-Go-Round
Or Orna-Go-Round
I think Tick-Tock, as it looks like clocks to me.
How about "Circles of Life" or "Circular Reflections"
-Kathy Bosak (can get email from past order and/or newsletter list)
When I saw your work, I immediately thought of relationships and how we are all woven together so how about "Relationships"?
Circles of Green is what I thought of as so much of nature is life cycles shown often in a circular chart.
How about this "Think Green Save Our Planet"
There have been so may good ones already suggested! I can think of several... "Circumvention", "Circuitous Thoughts","Circular Motion", or "In A Roundabout Way"
I am a button collector and to me that is what these look like so how about
" A Bevy of Buttons"?
This design speaks to me, as much because of the dominant color as for the design!
My suggestions:
1. Terrestrial
2. Circle of Friends
3. Rings of Jewels
How about" Circles of Sky " or
"Suspended Circles".
To me, it looks like "Vintage Buttons".
Spinning my wheels
Circle of Willis:
An arterial circle at the base of the brain that is of critical importance.
I have two thoughts: First, since this was an ongoing process, you could name the piece "Wheels of Progress." Or, since it reminds me of the earth and recycling, how about "GOING Green."
To me it looks like stars or looking down on a forest from above so "starry forest" ! by the way I love it !!!
How about 'Cells Circulating'?
Love your work.
How about "Floating Away" Darby Logan
What goes around comes around.
Hi I see green I see circle I feel Eco how about "ECO-Centrical"
Hi Orna, I suggest "All A Round".
I love those circles.
I love the many names - I thought "Gardens Galore" or "Garden of Gardens" as well as "Plots of Green"
Love your work!
Rebecca Henkins
What beautiful work, I love the colours! So vibrant but calming too. It reminds me of pictures of bacteria growing in a petri dish so how about 'Divide and Multiply' as a name or 'Divide and Conquer'
Thanks. I'm off now to take a look at some more of your work.
Have a great weekend,
It reminds me of blowing soap bubbles as a kid -- Marcy
Round About