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Cirque de Fleur class video: Ultrasuede, sewing it

Cirque de Fleur Video: Ultrasuede and Applique Part One

New Giveaway, New Winner

irst I must attend to some unfinished business. The needlepouch from one of our previous giveaways has not been claimed. It's too sad to see it here unclaimed, so I've randomly chosen a new winner... (have you ever used a random number generator? They are really fun.) 
Congratulations Kate! 

Oh, my Gosh!!! I love your designs and to think that 
I could win a give away of something you have 
made and designed. Please enter me in you drawing.

And for our new giveaway, three glass fused buttons, shanks attached in back, with beautiful foil center. These are about 3/4" each and can make any simple garment, bag, needlepoint design, really stand out.  


I LOVE using glass embellishments on needlepoint.  There is something so intriguing about the combination of the transparent glass and the dense fibers.  It brings another layer of interest to a design.  

The shanks on these buttons could easily fit into a hole on your canvas to be attached at a point of interest. How about stitching a strip of basketweave, oh, I'd say 1.25" in width and about 6-7" in length.  Fold back the excess canvas, whipstitch around the border and attach the buttons at equal distances. Then attach the whole thing to the front/middle of a plain sweater, or even tee shirt. It would be delicious!

Enter the giveaway by leaving a comment with an idea on how you would use these glass beauties.


I knew I shouldn't have...

The exact day of my last post, the day I was boasting about my new printer, how marvelous it was and how I was going to be sending out new instructions books, that same day the printer died!  Yep, a three day old printer which I paid  $XXX for (embarrassed to say), died. Since then we have spent hours (I kid you not), on the phone with the company, had a technician here twice, had a new printer sent out and... it too is not working.  So now we wait for yet another technician. They say they think they know what the problem might be. Surprisingly, (NOT), they say it will cost money to fix.

Please, PLEASE, when I start telling you about some new piece of wonderful technology I just got, please, PLEASE, stop me!  I'm not superstitious, I just want to stay on the safe side!

Back to school. I can't believe it's almost here. Nina will be entering 4th grade. I don't understand how that could be because last year she was in 1st. At least it seems like last year...


Glory, glory, Gloriana!

I am so darn lucky!  Just take a look at the contents of the box I opened yesterday. Fibers and colors and textures, all so that I can experiment, tinker and come up with a a great new design.


A few years ago I designed Orchid Cottage.   
It was designed for Gloriana Thread Packs which included a variety of different types of fibers and ribbons. You could stitch the small design in different color combinations or you could buy the thread packs, hang them on your wall and just stare at their beauty.


Anne, the woman behind Gloriana Threads, has asked me to design again, putting together new packs of her wonderful fibers.   It's overwhelming, it's intoxicating, it's wonderful!  

I'll keep you posted as to when and where you can get the new design along with the thread packs.


I introduced you to Lexi last post, (our new Lexmark color laser printer), and I'm happy to announce that she has already been working hard. Finally the Cirque de Fleur  book is ready to be sent out to all you patient cyber-students. Thank you for understanding. You will love this book, 57 pages of instructions, charts, illustrations, diagrams, which we will bind ship this week.


Congratulations and Introductions

I've enjoyed your funny accounts of loosing glasses and I feel that I'm in good company!  It's time to announce our winner...

DOLORES, your days of searching for your glasses are over!  
Dolores wrote:  Oh my, this is my favourite colour and I would dearly love to have this eyeglass case. Yes, I too lose my glasses a lot. That's why I have so many pairs. I just 'lost' my newest pair of 'dollar store' glasses (with the multi-coloured frames) and I really wanted them. I had to think back to where it was that I used them last. Finally, the brain cells kicked in - the library. I used them to pick out some books on tape (people read while I sew) and there they were, in the library bag with my tapes and, whoops, my ID wallet too (library card, drivers' licence, credit cards, etc.)

About the previous contest, I have not yet heard from the winner and therefore can't send the prize to her. I feel so bad about a great gift sitting on my table waiting to be shipped out. I will wait until the end of the week and if I don't hear from the winner by then, I will pull out a new number and a new winner for the needlepouch.  Stay tuned.

We have new additions to the studio.  I'd like to introduce you to iMac2:


She is our new iMac, daughter to our existing big-iMac. She arrived today and already is able to speak to her mommy and to our other new friend, Lexi (our new color laser printer). They are all networking and making me very happy.


These new family members should make our lives at the studio run smoothly.

Later in the week I will also introduce you to Genevieve. She is my new assistant and already knows exactly where to find Watercolors on my thread wall.  


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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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