ADORN is the word I was looking for all along!
>> February 26, 2011 –
new designs,

I've been sharing my designs and ideas with you, my friends, for many years now. I took to needlepoint way back in 1995 and quite soon afterward I had the "Chutzpah" to chart my work and offer it to others. It didn't take long for me to wonder how my designs could be utilized. How can these pieces be brought to life by adding them to something we use, something we wear? Over the years I've designed shoulder bags, backpacks, embellishments for pants, tops, and jewelry. And all throughout I kept wondering what one word could encompass everything I do, everything I make, design and share? It was right there all along, and if you moved the letters around, there was my name!
This word helped me decide on my path into the future. I will be exploring many new avenues in the upcoming year. I am working hard on many new offerings and I hope to be introducing them to you soon. In the meantime, let me know what you think of the new look. If you are reading these words, well, you've seen the change in the blog look. We will be using new gorgeous packaging, (you know I'm a great believer in presentation!). And in time the website will get a makeover. It's coming, slowly but surely.
So, what do you think?