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ADORN is the word I was looking for all along!

I've been sharing my designs and ideas with you, my friends, for many years now.  I took to needlepoint way back in 1995 and quite soon afterward I had the "Chutzpah" to chart my work and offer it to others. It didn't take long for me to wonder how my designs could be utilized.  How can these pieces be brought to life by adding them to something we use, something we wear? Over the years I've designed shoulder bags, backpacks, embellishments for pants, tops, and jewelry.  And all throughout I kept wondering what one word could encompass everything I do, everything I make, design and share?  It was right there all along, and if you moved the letters around, there was my name!  


This word helped me decide on my path into the future.  I will be exploring many new avenues in the upcoming year.  I am working hard on many new offerings and I hope to be introducing them to you soon.  In the meantime, let me know what you think of the new look.  If you are reading these words, well, you've seen the change in the blog look.  We will be using new gorgeous packaging, (you know I'm a great believer in presentation!).  And in time the website will get a makeover.  It's coming, slowly but surely.

So, what do you think?


Thank you to Suztats for bestowing our little friend with such an appropriate and clever name---
Nina will be pleased I am sure!

I just emailed her to find out what her blend of Thread Bundle will be, and we will put it together and get it in the mail to her as soon as we hear back! Thanks to everyone who participated!

REMINDER: If you received a coupon from us during the sale, the offers have expiration dates so use them while you can over on the Etsy Needlepoint Supply Site.

Hope everyone is having a lovely holiday today!!

I know, I know, you guys are tired of this, but...

Just a quick note.  Our place is in the Philadelphia Inquirer with an interview about my art and interior design philosophy, (didn't know I had one).  The journalist and the photographer were very nice and did a fine job. BUT, I'm embarrassed to bring this up since you have all been so patient about seeing photos and photos and more photos of our loft. 
So if you've had it and are tired of seeing our place, I totally understand!

There, I've said it and now let's move on!

Really strange Give-Away...

Nina is a promise you will never have a day without laughter.  She is a promise that there will always be something surprising. Something that will make you think: "What? Where did that come from?".  She is an assurance that no matter how stressed or upset you may be, she will do something, very naturally, that will make you feel so good!

So the other night I was making dinner.  I turned around to fish something out of a kitchen cabinet and when I turned back to the stove top, there he was.  There was Mr. ____________.

We need to give him a name.  Can you help us out?  He's been nameless for the past two days so we are in kind of a rush.  Send some ideas my way and enter to win a beautiful Thread Pack.  Check them out on my Etsy page.  We will send one made just for you.  You can even give us some thread color preferences, and while we can't promise anything, we will try to please!

The give-away is for 3 days only.  Please help us by Sunday at noon.


(BTW, did you notice that Mr.__________ 's mouth/beak is adjustable? He can smile or frown.  Also, you may have figured out that we are now out of a pair of socks...)

We do have one rule for participation.  You must Follow us by clicking the "Follow" button in the navigation bar of my blog. Then just click until blogger tells you that you are following us! This way we can find you if you win!! Nothing is less satisfying than having a Give-Away sit by the door with no home to go to. Leave your answer in a comment below!

Samples of Thread Packs.
(We will send you a pack made especially for you)


Head on over to my Etsy site where you will find an abundance of threads, canvas and unique supplies to answer all of your needle art needs.
Beautiful thread Bundles of Silk, Rayon, Cotton and Metallics. Beads and Jewelry components. Canvas, Ultrasuede, and Ultrsuede Bundles! Replenish your Supplies!

When checking out, simply type in the coupon code JUSTBECUZ20 and your entire order will be discounted. 

And if that weren't enough, as a thank you for your purchase, you will receive free 10% off gift certificates to send out to friends, family, and fellow crafters. When someone uses your gift certificates, you will automatically receive another 15% off your next order. Think of it as a Goes-Around, Comes-Around type situation.....

For the rest of the week, 2 to 3 times daily, we will be posting new Thread Bundles and Beads, so keep checking back. And keep an eye on your email for the free gift certificates!

Real Treasures.

ETSY is an amazing site.  It's sort of a grass roots movement for handmade.   On Etsy you can offer your wares for sale among other handmade items from all over the world.  It's so exciting to see crafted treasures, imaginative items that are most times very affordable.  I have a couple of shops on Etsy, here and here.  One of the neat features on the site is called TREASURY.  It's where you can browse the millions of items for sale and put together a grouping that has a common thread you decide on.  It may be...Things with Wings,  or... In the Morning Light, or... a grouping based on color.  The latter, no surprise I'm sure, is so much fun to put together.  You are asked to place only one item from the same seller, and not include your own items, so you can show others some LOVE! I've put some Treasuries together here, as well as the ones you see above and below.  Take a walk over there, I'm sure you'll have fun!


This is one of my favorite Treasuries.  I didn't choose a common color 
but it sort of comes out that way.  


Jonathan's Needlepoint!

Jonathan Adler is a potter, a designer, a personality.  I've been collecting his pottery for years now.  Over time he moved into designing furniture, accessories, lamps, and more pottery.  He was one of the judges on the Bravo show TOP DESIGN.   He has humor in his designs, color and more color, (now you know another reason for my liking him), and he's fun.  I was driving up 3rd Street, here in Philly, yesterday, and I saw a big new store sign: Jonathan Adler.  Yea!! He now has a store in Philadelphia!  I quickly veered to the right, into the first available parking space and made my way into the store.  What struck me immediately is the vast array of needlepoint in the shop.  If you live in a city with one of his shops, walk on in and see it for yourself.  If not, check out the website.

I LOVE fiber bundles!

Do you love to have?  You know, have fibers and beads and fabric and tools.  Just have?

Do you have that inner conversation: 

"Now now, you don't need this".  

"I know, but I R E A L L Y want it".

I love to have!  And I always make sure that the second voice in the conversation wins!

So we just filled the studio with new fibers, then put them together with some beads, stones, Ultrasuede, pearls, in delightful thread packs.  They are posted on my Etsy website.

I would be perfectly happy putting together thread, bead, and fabric bundles all day long. 

These have some great silks, overdyes, metallics. They would be delightful for a small design, simple composition, just let the threads speak for themselves.  

Something as simple as the chart to the right.  Just like it says..."Let the Threads do the Talking!"

About This Blog

©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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