Before Needlework came into my life, you could find little scraps of paper with doodles everywhere. The telephone area was particularly bad, (remember when you couldn't go anywhere with your phone, you just sat in one spot close to the phone outlet?).
Curlicues, triangles, eyes, (I loved to doodle eyes, I think there is some sort of psychological interpretation here), perspective, imaginary houses, windows, you get it...

Then Needlework came into my life. The doodling didn't stop, it just moved onto canvas. I have 2 drawers FULL of doodles. I hang onto them because many of them eventually find their way into one of my designs. I was cleaning up this morning so here are the doodles of this past month or so, making their way into the doodle drawer.

Do you doodle? On paper? On canvas?
Museum quality doodles! Thanks for the peek.
Thank you , how sweet!