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Couture here and there.

 Deng Hao 
Haute Couture 2012

Orna Willis
Grab Bags Couture 2012

Marvelous thread boxes, with beads, charms, braids, ultrasuede, pearls, crystals, My Etsy store is back!

A journey that starts in Philadelphia.

This year will be the 40th anniversary of ANG, The American Needlepoint Guild.  I am super excited because it is taking place here, this August, in Philadelphia. Along with the yearly Seminar and the celebrations associated with that event, there will be another very important event, a first of it's kind.  Leaders in the needleart community have come together to form a three year venture meant to bring needleart to the attention of a wider audience, composed of people who do not necessarily belong to ANG or even those who do not necessarily  do needleart.  It is aimed at artists, art collectors, fiber art enthusiasts, and the general public.  This venture begins with an amazing needlework exhibit at the Philadelphia Art Alliance, (PAA), in the beautiful Rittenhouse Square section of Philly.  The exhibit will be an art exhibit, comprised of antique samplers and of modern samplers.  It will focus on pieces from the far past, and move into highlighting the beautiful work, the modern approach found in today's work.  I have the great honor of chairing the committee in charge of this exhibit.  I have been working with some wonderful ladies, (and friends), who have a vision which I share, and we hope to make this exhibit a first of it's kind.  In addition to the exhibit there will be an auction of needlework which will take place on the opening night of the exhibit.  


This venture (which we named "A Journey with Needleart; from the past to the future"), will continue to Anaheim in 2013 and will culminate in Chicago in 2014 with a Sampler Competition!  To that end we have designed a website and a blog devoted to bringing the information and the beauty of all this to you.  Please visit both these sites and make sure to have them bookmarked on your computer.  I also urge you to consider coming to Philly to join in the festivities.  Seminar will take place at the Philadelphia convention center which is smack in the center of this wonderful city.  There is so much to do in Philadelphia, so much to see!  Bring a friend, a spouse, a child along, they will not be bored while you take classes.  It will be a blast, I promise!!

August/September in Philadelphia...THE place to be!

Tiny Corners, oh the treasures you'll find!

You guys made me feel so good with your response to my Statement Ring! I really do cherish your input, thank you for taking the time to write!  

This year I will be introducing my series: Tiny Corners.   I find that I love working on one big piece of needlepoint while making sure I have a few smaller projects going on to keep me satisfied.  I came across these beautiful, magical locket frames.  They have sweet little locks and glass on both sides.  They are perfect, PERFECT, for tiny little vignettes of needlepoint.  I bring them to you...   

While I wait for a big order of the locket frames to arrive, I just had to share them with you.  In fact, I have put them up on my website and am taking advance orders for the kits.   of course, I will be offering a nice discount for placing your orders and waiting two weeks for gratification. 
If you'd like to see more, just hope on over HERE  and HERE and HERE to check them out in more detail.
The next time you are at the doctor's office, waiting to be called into the examining room, only to find yourself waiting there some more... make sure to have one of these little projects handy.  By the time the Doc finally shows up, you will have a new piece of jewelry to show.

PS - I'm taking your advice and you'll be seeing some Statement Rings soon.

Have I gone too far? What do you think?

Last month, Shiri, my lovely daughter, (the one who gave us little Nomi), said to me: "Just when I think you have thought of everything that can be done with needlepoint, you come up with something new!".  I wasn't sure how to take that; compliment, teasing, hint?  Ever since then I've become a little self conscious of my needlepoint endeavors.  I've been sitting on this one for awhile, a little embarrassed to present it to you.  However, today I'm taking the plunge.  

What do you think?  Have I gone too far?  Would you wear a needlepoint "statement" ring?  Would you stitch a needlepoint "statement" ring?  Don't worry about offending me, I can take it, (says she, terrified of having to take it). See you in the comment section...

Have a wonderful Sunday!!

I can't tear myself away from these paper artists.

Ingrid Siliakus
Isabelle de Borchgrave
Su Blackwell
Peter Callesen
Amy Flurry and Nikki Salk
Amy Flurry and Nikki Salk
Junior Fritz
Calvin Nicholls
Jeff Nishinaka
Oona Patterson
Ferry Staverman
Brian Dettmer

Jen Stark
Cheong-ah Hwang

Su Blackwell

To Russia with Love

This year has started with some very interesting new friends.  About a week ago orders began coming in from all over Russia.  As much as I was excited by the foreign addresses and the thought of my designs traveling off to a far far away place, it was still puzzling.  Why now, and why so many? Ask and you shall know...

"Hello, Orna!
Everything is very simple - I tell  about your beautiful designs and about your sale to my stitching friends :) We communicate in Russian stitching forum and in blogs. They also are interested :)
. . .  I am interested in your designs for a long time. "Shields of life - Triumph" was the first needlepoint design I have ever seen. And it was the love with the first sight :) Now I am needlepoint maniaс :)
This  kit is in my nearest plans.

Thank you for fast shipping!

Best regards,

How cool is that?!

SO welcome new friends to the land of the needlepoint maniacs.  Thank you!!

приветствовать новых друзей


Four days into the new year.  I've been wanting to write, to say something spectacular, maybe a resolution?  But what I really want is to continue being able to enjoy my family, create and share my ideas with you.  Just more of the same.  Things around us are in an upheaval, that's how it seems when you read the papers.  The future?  Nothing much, just stay the same, no worse, and I will be happy.  So Happy New Year, my friends.  Take good care of yourselves, fill the upcoming year with creativity, love and enjoyment.   Orna

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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