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A letter to you.

My window sills are blooming with orchids and cacti
Good morning!  It's the first week of summer vacation here.  Nina will be turning 12 in a couple of weeks, going into 7th grade next year.  Some of you remember her as a toddler, a tiny, very cute toddler.  She is now a teenager, a beautiful, thoughtful, and very creative young person. 

When she was much younger I remember trying to keep her busy and "doing" as much as possible all through the summer.  When both my girls were very young I knew I would be full-time busy with them over the summer.  I forgot, (as I have with many other aspects of child rearing), that they need just as much attention, care and supervision as they grow older.  In fact, I am reminded, they actually need more.  A tub of building blocks and a juice box just don't cut it anymore.  The older they get the more they need presence, watchfulness and lots of chatting time.  What am I leading to? I have been a bit absent from you all, here on the blog, and I wanted to explain why.  I don't want to seem as if I'm floating in and out of your lives, with no rhyme or reason.  This is the reason and I really appreciate your understanding.

On to another matter... I am quite ashamed of having found a few errors on one of my new cuff charts :(  My very dear friend and best proof stitcher in the world, Kathy, did not get to see this instruction manual. She is so kind with her time and I didn't want to abuse it, but after this cuff issue, I'm going to have to go back and abuse it!  Do you hear me Kathy?  If you ordered a kit of my new "Flower Cuff", please write to me and I will send you the corrections. 
I am leaving for our trip to Israel soon and therefore need to send out all the models for the ANG 2014 Seminar before I leave.  I will also be teaching an ANG Cyberworkshop and those models need to be sent out as well.  Stitch stitch stitch along with Wimbledon tennis is actually nice.  Most of this is done in the wee hours of the night.  Anyone else stitching to the sounds of balls hitting racquets or grunts of certain tennis pros?  
Each of the orchids has re-bloomed and I am very proud of them!
Lastly, I promised a sale before I leave.  You will hear all about it by the end of the week.

Enjoy your week, my friends!


New design for ANG 2014...

I've mentioned before that I will be teaching three classes at the Chicago ANG Seminar in 2014.  One of them is a fab-u-lo-so color class.  I've designed a new piece for the class, this is the piece we will stitch as an interpretation of our color photograph.  I'm almost done with my second colorway sample so I just had to show you!  I'm loving the piece, it is very, very, very fun to stitch.  In fact, if I have the time before I leave for Israel, I may try one more colorway.

It amazes me every time, the same design in different colors gives the piece an entirely different look, mood, sensibility.  Please join me in this class, although I must warn you,  it is addictive!
Enjoy your weekend!

Prior warning!

Dramatic opening, eh?   I wanted to let you know about my summer travels.  I will be leaving for Israel on July 16th and coming back August 25th.  I know, long long trip!  I haven't been home in two years.  It's time, and I plan on spending some quality time with my family, my friends, as well as some planned studio visits with artists.  During that time I will not be able to send out orders so please don't worry if you don't receive your merchandise.  If you do place an order, I will send you a reminder with the date I return to my studio.

While in Israel, I try to plan at least one project with my mother, some type of home improvement.  This time we are redoing her bathroom, taking out the bathtub and putting in a nice spa shower.  I actually enjoy these projects, and feel satisfied when I leave and know something has been done to improve my mother's quality of life.  Nina will be going to a two week overnight camp, (OMG! she has never even spent one overnight at a camp but she wants to do this).  It a great place for kids from Israel and all over the world who love computers, photography, digital music, robotics, and all that jazz.  Cross your fingers that we don't need to make a middle of the night trip to bring an unhappy camper home...

Between now and my trip I plan on having an amazing, blow out sale for you!   Sign up for updates and notices on the right side of this blog.  Perfect time to load up on projects for the holidays, gifts, much needed "I don't have anything to stitch" type kits...  Should be coming soon.

In the meantime, what are your plans for the summer?  

Talk soon!


a MOST amazing website of graphic designers, phenomenal talent!!  HERE

A Tree is growing in the studio. New design!

Another addition to my cuff series is ready for you.  The TREE Cuff.
 Available on my ETSY site HERE!


 and... you can also get all four cuffs at a great discounted price.  All on ETSY!

All four cuffs at special price on ETSY

This is where I'll be. Come join me!

A few updates on upcoming workshops that you might want to participate in...

September 27-28, 2013 - The Brandywine EGA Chapter.
We will be working on COLOR!  This color-workshop is so much fun, you will enjoy every minute!  Color play, thread picking and a needlepoint design to bring it all together.

November 2-3, 2013 - Syracuse ANG Chapter.  We will be working on Gayle.

If you have any interest in either or both workshops, let me know and I'll have the wonderful ladies coordinating these events,  contact you. 

About This Blog

©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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