My aunt Bella, who is visiting with us and pampering us with her care, love and good cooking, has a beautiful 7 year old granddaughter, Lia. I came up with a plan; she and I would make summer dresses for our granddaughters, giving us good, hearty girl time together, it would be good on our budgets, and the girls would have dresses by grandma! I took her to JoAnn Fabrics and after stabilizing her heart palpitations, (she had never, ever seen a store with so many amazing DIY stuff), we chose patterns, fabrics, buttons, ribbons and sat down to business.
Bella does not sew, but she is happy to do the ground work, cut the patterns, pin them to the fabric, cut the fabric and then clean up all the threads on the finished product. Perfect! We have 3 done and 3 more we plan on making. F U N!!!
These are, what I found out, called Pillow Case dresses... (we didn't use pillow cases but it is clever).
I added a little embroidery to this one |
I am NOT a tidy stitcher!
What a great idea! The dresses look so pretty. My sewing tends to get like yours too.