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35% off = Golden Friday!

Black Friday?  NO, NO, NO!
Here we do Golden Friday with all new colorways for a fantastic design: Colorations 2015.

 Use Coupon Code: Golden Friday
(offer ends December 1st, 2015)

8 new colorways at 35% off. They are mouthwatering, each designed for the Holiday Season and for your fun stitching.

Take a look at the colors:

It's all in the SHOP, along with the new November Fiber Collection and lots more!
Check it Out!

November's Thread Collection, HERE AT LAST!

Take a stroll down to our gorgeous new November Thread Collection, HERE.

Here's what I said about these beauties:

This month I am investigating one color in a multitude of hues and different textures. Purple you say? How about purple in velvet and in a glitzy ribbon? Or maybe you would like to mix it up with a silk overdye and a little cotton Perle? You will get the chance to use 14 different fibers in each bundle. FUN!!

BEST OF ALL...  Buy the entire collection and get 20% discount (code: COLLECTION) as well as my Shiri's Star design as a gift!

Tissue please!

If you could hear me now...  I got back from my visit to Israel after flight cancellations and delays, only to get sick and crawl into bed the next day!  I'm feeling a bit better today, but still sounding pretty nasty.
How have you guys been?

November's Thread Collection is in it's final stages of preparation!  This month I am investigating one color in a multitude of hues and different textures.  Purple you say? How about purple in velvet and in a glitzy ribbon?  Or maybe you would like to mix it up with a silk overdye and a little cotton Perle?  You will get the chance to use 14 different fibers in each bundle.  FUN!!

So, I will take the weekend to make sure I am all better and then I will put the final touches on packaging the fibers, (you know what a sucker I am for packaging).  After that, November's collection will be there for you to adore!

So glad to be back with you!


Most dangerous place to be: next to old photo albums!

After a day in the kitchen baking and cooking with my mother, I come into the guest room to read and maybe take a little siesta. There on a shelf above the couch are all the family photo albums.  I pull one out... Bad move!  Unless you are someone who takes the passage of time in stride, bad move! 

50 years ago, visiting my grandparents with my sister.

45 years ago, my last year in the United States before moving back to Israel.  I'm the one sitting and beading in my paisley corduroy dress.

 40 years ago, a few days off while in the army, (ages 18).

So many years ago, it all goes by so fast!

What happens when you go back home?

I'm here at my parent's home. I arrived on Saturday and spent the first 2 days like a newborn; awake for 2 hours, asleep for 2 hours. When I come here on my own, without Reid or Nina, it is a bit like going back in time.  In part I belong, but in part I don't. In part I'm an adult but in part I'm a teenager who has regressed to not making her bed and bringing the dishes as far as the sink.  

To prove my point, on the second afternoon my mother and I walked across the street to the mall. We walked into a jewelry store to get my watch band adjusted and my eyes caught a display of studs used for ear piercing.  I could feel that 15 year old pushing her way through my body and saying... "I want a second piercing in my right ear!" My mother turned to me and said, "Really? Which earrings would you choose?"  That was it!  I got permission and I felt the type of excitement that I hadn't felt in 43 years, (can you do the math?).  We chose the earring, my ear was marked and in a few seconds I felt the jab.  Then my mother paid for the earring and together we walked out of the store.

What a delightful time-machine experience!  It's what happens when you go back home.

Sitting in my mother's kitchen, like old times...

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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