Wishes for 2009
So to you, my friends, I wish many reasons to celebrate in this coming year. Many opportunities to be with family and good friends. Time for creativity and time to pamper yourselves,
My philosophy has always been ... what if on Christmas day you should decide you desperately need a mauve pearl . . .
or you feel you may burst without a gold-filled roundel . . .
or, my goodness, you can't live another minute without a teal colored Delica bead?
My point being that you must be ready for any artistic craving at all times!
You have peeked at my "what-if-in-the-middle-of-the-night-I-want" fiber stash,
and now I'm giving you just a tiny peek into my "I-must-be-prepared" jewelry making cache.
Welcome to our first ever Contest Giveaway!
So here's the deal:
This morning I came into Nina's room to get her school clothes ready and found this taped to her closet door...
Obviously Barak Obama has given much hope to the younger generation of this country. Some have even taken it all the way...
Now we just need to change the law that requires Presidents to be born in the USA, otherwise we may have to disappoint the young lady.