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Keeping my promises... come on in and bring a friend!

I haven't packed yet, but I'll get to that right after I keep my promise and present a new design, a gift to you from me, for the New Year.  Click HERE and download the PDF of photos, charts and instructions. Hope you enjoy this!

Happy New Year
See you soon!

PS - make sure to sign up for my blog, to get all the various freebies, sales notices and other fun stuff!

I'm off on a voyage across the seas and other things...

I am leaving for a trip to see my family in Israel.  I'll be back in 3 weeks.  In the meantime, if there is anything you need, Rae will be watching over things.  Nina and Reid will be taking care of each other here at home while I visit with my mother, sisters, and all the rest of the family and friends.

For the New Year I have a gift for you, something I'm still working on but should have ready for you tomorrow!  Please come back tomorrow, I don't want you to miss out!!  Here is a tiny peek...

I want to thank you all for a wonderful year.  You are my great supporters, my partners in crime, my friends.  I'm so happy we have each other!  Let's make the next year just as good as this one, and even better!

So come on by tomorrow, and bring your friends along as well.  The more the merrier!

Till tomorrow...


600 Blog Entries - Let's celebrate with more SALE!

600 blog entries!  600 times we've met online! 600 dates at Adorn by Orna!

So let's do two things to celebrate...

1. extend the Boxes sale till Friday, December 26th!  There are only 7 more boxes available, grab while you can, HERE!
2. adding my Fiber Bags filled with silks to the 20% off sale!!  Check them out HERE, gorgeous rich colored silks that come in a canvas and clear plastic zipper bag.  A really great deal!  Only 10 of these bags left for this sale!

TODAY, right now, this minute ...!


It starts at 1pm and goes on for one week.  All our lacquer boxes are on sale, 20% off plus (!!) you get free design books on purchases of 2 boxes or even 1 box of the larger group.

Buy 2 boxes size 6x6 and get a free design book!

They come in Purple Tulipwood, and in Green Tulipwood

In a Royal Blue and in a pristine Red

Buy one of the larger boxes (9x6 and 12x10) and get a free book of any design of your choice!
All the boxes available are listed in our ETSY shop.  Buy two 6"x6" boxes, get 20% off and a free design book.  Buy one 12"x10" box and get 20% off and a free design book. There are a limited number of boxes so don't let them get away!

Feathered Friends.

Remember Chris Maynard from back here?  The amazing artist that creates scenes cut out of feathers? He just published a book of his work and has new creations, some of them found below. Wanna see more?  HERE

(I may need to buy his book for myself. )

This does NOT bug me!

It started with me looking closely at the magnificent wardrobe from the HBO series, Game of Thrones.  OMG!!!!  That's when I came across Michele Carraghere, the Master Embroiderer for the series costumes.  What a job!  Well deserved by what you see below and more HERE

That got me going!  WOW!  Look at the fiber insect world I found...

Mariana Popova, a wonderful Bulgarian artist, explores the insect world with her detailed felted creatures.  She has some other subjects she felts HERE


Eleanor Rose is interested in wasps, bees, butterflies and I love her display cases.

Here are some of her beetles.

 Clare Moynihan creates her insects on little felted balls.

Hannah Haworth's hand-knitted creatures, all I want to do is give them a big hug.  She has also worked on some little ones, a group of 50 life size bees

Fiber insect specimens are studied often, but these moths are a real stand out!  Yumi Okita masterfully embroiders and constructs these beauties.  There are more of these to be found HERE

Rene Sears has some exquisite stumpwork/embroidery insects, just magnificent!

and of course, Jane Nicholas, the queen on stumpwork butterflies, moths and delightful bugs.

Do you have any favorite fiber bugs?  Have them fly this way so we can see!

More Tassels, More Fibers and More Experimenting!

I'd like to introduce you to our new Double the Fun Tassels.  

They are made of 2 Planet Earth Silk Ribbon cards, Ultrasuede, beads, and findings.  They are very easy to make and you have everything you need in a small cute kit, (well, maybe just a dab of fabric glue would be helpful).  

Check our Etsy shop for some of the colors we have left.  


Next, say hello to these fabulous color fiber bags! These are 11" x 10" project bags, strong fabric with a see through middle and a zipper on top. These bags will be filled with 17 different silk fibers, coordinated in color to the bag itself.   Also on ETSY.

Oh, and more, many more of the regular tassel kits, those that are made with just one card of silk ribbon, find them here.

and then, there is the progress I'm making on my Pheasant.  I'm enjoying this process very much and don't mind the tedious search for the right stitch, not one bit!

Coming home and experimenting

Just got back from a delightful weekend with my Wolves.  Nomi and Ruben Wolf, my sweet and funny grandkids.  We spent 2 days, just the three of us, in our PJs, on the rug, playing and building and singing and dancing and just generally being goofy.  We had a blast!

On Sunday nights I have lots of TV to cover, so I can get lots of stitching done. Yes, I watch and stitch, and somehow it works.  (There is Homeland, The Newsroom and The Affair all on Sunday nights).  I'm working on the Bird series and have done lots of experimenting with different parts of the birds and the background.  What do you think?

I'll keep you posted for more!

About This Blog

©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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