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Changing things up.

This is my living room:

See the purple leather sofa?  That was an engagement gift from my hubby.  It's been 20 years.  See the two chairs in the background.  Those came a few months later.  They have faded over the years so I tried leather painting one of them.  I couldn't decide if I liked it so it's sort of one on and one off.  The green sofa, that came 2 years later and then 10 years ago I reupholstered it in the green UltraSuede.  I've loved my furniture, I've taken good care of it, and I have great memories of the homes it's traveled through.  

It's time for change!  I know this may sound cold, changing up my husbands engagement gift to me, but he understands.  Really he does. 

I've been looking for awhile now.  Not aggressively but since I love design I'm always surfing design sites, furniture sites, architectural sites.  Nothing really grabbed my attention until last week.  I've found what I want and today I'll order my new living room.  

I'll give you a peek at one of my chosen sofas.  Of course, I'm changing the colors, but you knew that.

It will be awhile before everything comes in.  I'll be sure to keep you posted!


A game I play, and new sale items!

See the hanger in the middle of the photo?  I took it out of the closet and gave it to Nina.  Together we went around the house looking for items, whatever they might be, that somehow connect to the color of the hanger.  Then we put them together and click!  Try this with kids, it's really fun.  Encourage them to look everywhere, including under the sink, (of course only if they are old enough to know that Comet is not meant for sprinkling on their food!).  
I think we'll try another one today!

AND... I've added lots of Sale kits to the list.  You will find the updated list HERE, many new items and many restocked at sale prices.



Many of you know that I haven't been needlepointing since childhood. I did not learn how to stitch on the knees of my mother or a great aunt.  I am self taught and with that comes the phenomenon of calling stitches by my own made-up names, using "thingies" quite a bit and learning what "should" and "shouldn't" be done when I realize, on my own, what makes a difference on the piece I am designing.  Sometimes I come to the same conclusion as those who have written the "Golden Needlepoint Rule Book" and sometimes I come to the conclusion that the rule book is not always right or always relevant.  ("Golden Needlepoint Rule Book"- just made that up).

This morning I made a decision that I want to share with you all.  I have been told by various experts opposing thruths about STRAND and PLY.  I won't get into the discussion!  I'm just going to give you my FINAL decision.  For me, for Orna Willis, this is the way it's gonna be:

First of all, the terminology: a “ply” is part of a “strand” – the plies twist together to make the strand. So when you look at your regular DMC stranded cotton that you buy locally (the green floss above), you will have 6 “strands” that you separate to use. Each one of those strands is relatively small, and it is made up of two “plies” that are twisted together to form the thread that you embroider with. “Non-divisible” means that you normally don’t separate the thread into strands to use it, so perle cotton, for example, comes straight off the skien as it is, you cut the length you want, and start stitching with it.

This is taken from Mary Corbet's Needle N' Thread, which I love and find very informative.  I think she does a wonderful job of explaining and presenting different aspects of needle and thread.  Thank you Mary!

and that's a wrap!  :-)

You want to know what's important?  This is...


Nina, Nomi and Baby Bubah, oh and way back there, Reid and Esther

Wishes for a wonderful holiday!

It's Wednesday morning and everyone seems to be bustling about with preparation for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Many of you know that my family and many of my friends live in Israel.  These are troubled times for them.  It's hard to be faraway, the worry keeps me up at night.  As with many other times of crisis, I find solace in my work. Sitting with my canvas and threads makes me believe that things will come back to order, safety and peace, as has happened many times before.  My Shields series was born during such a crisis.  I felt I needed to stitch these Shields in order to protect my loved ones.

As the Thanksgiving holiday comes around I do find myself thinking about the things I am thankful for, as corny as that may sound.  I am writing to tell you how grateful and thankful I am for all of you.  With your support you help me believe I have accomplished something, I have contributed something, I have brought beauty.  Accomplishment, contribution, beauty, wow, these words are so powerful.  I am so thankful for this, and you are the source. 

I wish you all a wonderful holiday. May you find enjoyment in being with family, friends, or in just being with yourself.  May our love of beauty and the pleasure we get from the work of our hands sustain us and keep us content.

Thankfully yours,

New Elizabeth Brooch and Necklace Kit - $18
More kits for Peach Anne Brooch - $18

 EVERY order from Adorn by Orna will go out with a gift.  A copy of My Journey, instructions in color for the piece I designed for the 40 year celebration of ANG in Philadelphia.

I've replenished my Etsy shop with more of the wonderful kits you have been snapping up! 
Cuffs for $25, Brooches for $18 and Earrings for $12.

A free blast from the past!

Back in 1997 I designed a number of pieces for Rainbow Gallery.  One of them is "Festival".  A few days ago, a customer, fellow stitcher, asked if I had the instructions for this piece, she had lost part of hers.  I didn't, but thought I would ask if Rainbow Gallery had any more copies, and they did!! 

I bought 10 copies of my own design, :-) sent one to her and now I'd like to pass the rest of them on to you.  The next 9 orders will get a free copy of the design instructions issued by Rainbow Gallery.  You can order on my Orna Design website, or on the Etsy website.  Either way, order soon and you'll get this in your package.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

New Series, New Kits, New Designs!

The timing couldn't be better!  We are all starting to have nightmares about holiday shopping. I know that when I find a great gift idea, one that can work for a bunch of friends and family and will fit my budget without looking cheap, I am delighted.  

Well, this time I am the bearer of this type of good news!  
Ann Pin/Brooch Kit
Seven new kits for wearable art, including everything you need at can't miss prices.  For example, the Ann Pin/Brooch kit has the canvas, the UltraSuede, the needle, the threads, the crystals and beads, the pin-back and a ribbon necklace and a complete instruction booklet, at a great price: $18

Elizabeth Holiday Brooch/Necklace

The Shimmering Jewels cuff kit shown below, which includes the canvas, UltraSuede, needle, threads, beads, copper wire and a complete instruction booklet... $25

Shimmering Jewels Cuff Kit

There are a total of seven such kits and whether you give them to stitching friends as kits, or stitch them up and present them to a loved one for the holidays, no matter which way you go, it will be received with great appreciation and happiness!

Shimmering Jewels Earrings

and the earring kit below?  
$13 including Sterling Silver earwires!

Pop on over to my Etsy site to see the entire series.  It's a must!



Just got back from a lovely, delightful weekend with my Nomi, (of course Shiri and Orin too).  I had such a good time!  Yesterday Nomi and I spent 3 hours at High Line and at the Chelsea market.  What fun we had!  We walked and walked, we had hot soup and wandered in the market and then we walked and walked and met with Shiri.  I highly recommend visiting High Line!  It's a beautiful project of preservation and public spaces. 

While it was overcast, New York was still glorious.

Caught while trying to "borrow" my car keys...

Walking toward meeting place with Shiri.  See the bench in the foreground?  It was built for Nomi to go up and down and up and down and up and down and up...  you get it, right?

Before bedtime, a child on "Elmo"!


This was one of the most interesting giveaways I've ever done.  Your answers were fascinating, I thank you all for participating and letting me know a little about yourselves thru your response to the two photos.  I'm going to count the responses and tally up the votes.  I'd love to find out which of the photos has a majority.

But, on to the winners.  Congratulations to: 

**  Maneki who wrote:  Tricky question, actually. Of cause I like a creative mess and seeing colour mixes as in no 1, but on the other hand it's like someone mentioned before me: after than first glance I want to see all the colours in there and then photo 2 is the better one. Also it makes the colours show up better as it's sort of like colour blocking, concentrating each colour to one space. It's easy to see colours and textures then.

I do mix up my skeins and spools when storing (at least to a point, there's structure and order behind the on the surface messy-looking storage), but still like the second photo as it's also neat and tidy like in the local yarn shop.

Had it just been skeins, not spools, in the first pic it'd probably be my favourite. For me, the white of the spools detracts attention from the thread colours a bit and makes it look too messy.

** NCStitcher2000 who wrote:  What a fabulous array of colors you have chosen. I prefer the first picture as it looks more inviting to be able to hunt through all those threads. THanks for your kindness in offering this give away.

Beautiful tidbits of fibers and a frame for your little creation are coming your way!!

I'm leaving for Brooklyn in a couple of hours to visit with my girls.  Shiri has been volunteering for the last week helping people in areas still in a mess from the hurricane.  So many people are still in terrible living conditions.  How easy it is to forget when you are in your dry home, warm and comfortable. 

"See" you when I get back.


my beautiful Au Ver a Soie threads, YUMMY!!

A Giveaway! Hey Kitty Kitty...

The Process of Kitting Designs:
They are coming in everyday,  all the wonderful fibers for my new designs.  Opening a box from the various companies is mouthwatering!  I want to say this is my favorite part of the kitting process, but then I also love designing the packaging, deciding which container, bag, box I want to use, packing it all in tissue paper... 

Well in the meantime I've devised an interesting experiment, (crazy?!). 

Photo One - A gorgeous mess

Photo Two - Gorgeous order

Now, here is how you participate in this experiment...  I want to know which of the two photos above is more appealing to you. The same threads, even the same amount of threads, just obviously presented differently.  What makes you happier?  Why? What does this say about you?

Want incentive to answer?  Well, of course!!  Send me your response to these photos and I will randomly choose two winners to receive grab-bags of threads and a miniature frame as shown below, (the threads may differ as there will be two winners)!!  

I will choose the two lucky ones on Friday, November 9th.  Can't wait to hear from you!


Vote in Threads!

From Heidi's Blog, Hands Occupied 



We NEED to make way for the new designs coming very soon, and we would like you to benefit!
We have wonderful kits being offered at 25% off!  You pay 75% of the price, we get room to begin putting together our new design kits.  Win, Win!

So, HERE is the list of available kits, over 60 of them!!

A few notes:
  • When a colorway is specified, that is the only colorway we have to offer at the special price.  Also, if the kit you ordered has been purchased, we will send you a note, we can't promise everything on the list will stay available.
  • I am including links to the various items on the website however please don't place your order online, you won't be able to access the sale prices.  
  • How to order?  Email me with the list of items you would like to order.  I will send you a Paypal invoice for you to pay.  That's it. This may sound complicated but I want to give my "bestest" customers, (YOU), first dibs on this and therefore am not posting the sale prices on my website. 
Click this link to download the list:  LIST
Click this link to email me with your order:  EMAIL

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©Orna Willis
All images, text, and content on this site are the sole property of Orna Willis and may not be used, copied or transmitted without the express consent of Orna Willis. Any other inquiries please email me at orna@ornadesign.com

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