Photographs that make you cry.
I think I've come to the age of in-between. I'm old enough to see photos of myself as a little girl and remember that many of them were black and white back then. I'm old enough to have a little granddaughter and think about the lessons I want to teach her, the memories I'd like to give her. I'm young enough to not realize, at first, that the face I see reflecting in the store window is Me. I'm young enough to still be pleased when my mother says I look nice. I'm in-between. Maybe that's why this website hit me right in the stomach, right in the heart. It made me sad, but a beautiful kind of sad.
It's called Dear Photograph. It's a place where people post photographs they took in the exact spot of a photograph taken years and years earlier. The photograph usually has someone they love, maybe themselves, in it. It's held up in the exact same spot and a photograph is taken of the two photographs together. Then, the present day photographer writes a little note to the photograph, hence: Dear Photograph. Confused? Just surf on over there and get the twinge in your heart that I did. It's sad, beautifully sad.